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29.03. - 07.04.
Divine Mercy Novena
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»Se, her er min mor og mine brødre. (Matt 12:49)
34. Mladifest Medjugorje
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Den hellige Josef
«Patris corde»
«med et farshjerte»
-> Prayer 2021
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--> “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39)
--> WYD 2023-  Podcasts
--> At bede rosenkransen
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TAIZE 2024
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Saligprisningerne Apostlenes Gerninger Fadervor Paulus' brev til Galaterne


De Ti Bud

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Den hellige Messe og Eukaristien

Pave Frans’ katekese
Skole for bøn
Pave Benedikt XVI.' katekese

Daily prayer online
--> Prayer online

-->Daily Gospel

VUD Kraków 2016
Det kristne håb

Pave Frans’ katekese
Den Guddommelige Barmhjertighed

Pave Frans’ apostoliske brevet
Misericordia et misera


Familens' år og mere

Video message 2021

Theology of the body
-->Catecheses of
St John Paul II

Kvinder i Kirken
- > Jomfru Maria, Theotokos,
Guds Moder

- > Kirkens store kvinner
- > Hellige Maria Magdalena
> Til dekretet
> Til artikkelen
Pave Frans’ første apostoliske formaning

Evangelii gaudium
Apostolic Exhortation
Laudate Deum

Encyclical letter

Laudato Si'
Praise be to you,
my Lord

--> Budskabet til Verdensbønnedagen for skaperverket 2022

--> Official website Laudato Si
"The Church is missionary. Christ sends us forth to bring the joy of the Gospel to the whole world." (@Pontifex: 26.11.2013)

--> Motu proprio
Fides per Doctrinam

Pave Frans’ prædiken
--> Jubilæum 2016

„Admirabile signum“

Julekrybbens betydning og verdi


Nyevangelisering Pave Frans' encyklika
Lumen Fidei 
--> Motu proprio
Ubicumque et Semper

--> Liturgical texts
--> Messens liturgi

--> Message 26.10.2012

58 Propositions

"The light of faith illumines all our relationships and helps us to live them in union with the love of Christ, to live them like Christ."
(@Pontifex: 05.08.2013)
--> Hvad er tro? Jeg tror på Gud
Katekese & YOUCAT

--> Andre sprog
Pave Benedikt d. XVI' encyklika Evangelium Vitae Hellige pave Paul d. VI' apostoliske formaning
Caritas in Veritate
Hellige Johannes Paul II' encyklika

--> Pave Frans’ prædiken

Evangelisering i dagens verden
True power is service.
The pope must serve all people, especially the poor, the weak, the vulnerable. (@Pontifex: 19.03.2013)



Children & Rosary
Pave og ungdom
Vor Fru af FatimaOur Lady of all Nations
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Forberedelse til
Firmelsen, Ægteskabet
7 sakramenter 
 the Holy Spirit Novena
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 Guds åndedrag
-> 7 gaver 
-> 7 sakramenter

Kaldet til hellighed
- > Pave Frans’ apostoliske formaning
- > Katekese af paverne

- > Pave Frans' katekese
- >
Den katolske Kirke i Danmark  

Apostolisk brev «Desiderio desideravi»
Om liturgisk formasjon av Guds folk


Carlo Acutis
Skytshelgen til Internet
--> Den salige Karl Acutis
--> Beatification in Assisi
--> His own website
The eucharistic miracles
of the world
-> Video
Blessed Carlo Acutis

Ny apostolisk formaning
Hellige Thérèse av Jesusbarnet, C’est la confiance («det er tilliten»)

      Fredsbudskab                2024

“ The progress of science and technology as a path to peace

The inherent dignity of each human being and the fraternity that binds us together as members of the one human family must undergird the development of new technologies and serve as indisputable criteria for evaluating them before they are employed, so that digital progress can occur with due respect for justice and contribute to the cause of peace.

Technological developments that do not lead to an improvement in the quality of life of all humanity, but on the contrary aggravate inequalities and conflicts, can never count as true progress.

           Full text
