

After six years of probation - on December 14, 2005 - Bishop Reinhard Marx of Trier, Germany let know per decree the result of the

investigation: "„There is no proof, that the events in Marpingen in the years of 1876 and 1999 come up to supernatural character." Under the

same date he gave, in a letter to the then parish priest Leo Hofmann, the place of prayer and veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in

Härtelwald, Marpingen status.


Decree and explanations

1. The decree


3. Letter of the bishop

4. Decree of Paul VI



1. The decree of H.H. diocesan bishop to the events in Marpingen

"There is no proof, that the events in Marpingen in the years of 1876 and 1999 come up to supernatural character.

There are severe reasons that do not allow these to recognize as Supernatural."

Trier, 12/13/2005

+ Dr. Reinhard Marx
Diocesan bishop to the events

Werner Rössel
Chancellor of the curia




(Theological comment of parish priest retd. H. M. G.)

The decree of our H.H. Bishops about Marpingen used those sentences, that are regularly used at such cases:

1. Constat de non supra naturalitate.

2. Constat de non supra naturalitate.

3. Constat de supra naturalitate.

This means in English:
1: The non-supernatural nature is for certain.

2: The supernatural nature is not certain.

3: The supernatural nature is granted.

The decree has chosen the second version.


This resulted in misunderstanding, even from the Medias – that Marpingen has been identified as false.

In reality it implies only, that at this moment it can’t be judged that Marpingen is purely natural, neither supernatural for certain.

This sentence leaves everything open, including the question: how to explain Marpingen?

The bishop has already given his comment on that. A moderator said: the critics presume always orchestration of the seers.

The Bishop answered: I cannot confirm that, because I can’t proof it.

As at the time none of it is for certain, it follows that we cannot proof either – we cannot consider them as supernatural and therefore the

“messages” are not allowed to be spread in ecclesial surroundings.

There is no change, but the bishop expresses his joyousness over the increasing veneration of Virgin Mary through the pilgrims.

In the issued letter to the Pastor of Marpingen our bishop has written:

„A shrine like „Härtelwald” is an important point for the whole diocese. Without them the church were poorer and the living of the faith of the

Catholic community would become cold and meager"



3. Letter of the bishop dated 12/14/2005

Herrn Pfarrer Leo Hofmann
Katholisches Pfarramt Maria Himmelfahrt
Kirchberg 10
66646 Marpingen

Dear Pastor Hofmann,
dear brother,

after intensive examination through a specially called commission I mentioned in my decree dated 12/13/2005 that no proof of supernaturality

can be given to the above mentioned events. Therefore the command of bishop Dr. Hermann Josef Spital from August 1999 is still in force,

(...) Marpingen has been a place of devotion of the Virgin Mary for Centuries. „Härtelwald” is a place of prayer and veneration of the Blessed

Virgin Mary for a hundred years. So it should stay. Therefore it is my concern to give the huge number of Pilgrims the needed pastoral


It is a mark of quality to a Marian Shrine of Prayer that it does not stop at the devotion of Virgin Mary, but lead the pilgrims to Jesus: „Do

whatever he tells you!“ (Joh 2,5) Mary will accompany and help us to find Jesus and listen to his words.

During celebration of the Eucharist we learn about the message of our salvation and is given in reality. In the Sacrament of Penance and

Reconciliation people meet in their need, peccability and imperfection the love of our merciful Father. Praying the Rosary we contemplate

being guided by Virgin Mary the inscrutable secrets of incarnation, the suffering and decease as well as the resurrection and glorification of

Jesus Christ, that salvific power was fully effective in Virgin Mary. The Shrine of veneration is always inviting us and gives us opportunity to

personal prayer. Even the Shrine of Marpingen can help so many people, to find their way through the Holy Spirit and Christ to our Father.

A Shrine like „Härtelwald” is therefore an important place in the community of a diocese. Without such places the church would be poorer,

colder and barren. There find heart and mind legislation. At this history is the worried outlook of the Second Vatican Council at the look of

veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary understandable, that „true devotion consists neither in sterile or transitory affection, nor in a certain vain

credulity“. Considering that the unique dignity of Mother of God it is also necessary to avoid both from all gross exaggerations as well as from

petty narrow-mindedness. (Lumen gentium, 67). Based at the declaration of the Second Vatican Concil (Lumen gentium, 52-69) the Popes Paul

VI. and Johannes Paul II. gave biblical fundamentals and traditional rooted worship of Virgin Mary exposed, which are essential for a perfect

Marian Sprituality. (cf. Marialis cultus dated 02/02/1974 und Redemptoris Mater dated 03/25/1987)

I rely on you, dear brother, to assume responsibility for the Shrine „Härtelwald“ with the plea together with your members of staff to give all

pilgrims pastoral support.

You may follow the present code of practise for Service of the Word, devotional exercise, and times of Prayer. The Eucharistic Celebrations

are to be held as usual in the Parish Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Marpingen.

I thank you and all members of the Parish for the previous mission. I ask all praying men and women in Marpingen to include near their own

concerns those of the Church of the World – as well as the spiritual way of reformation of our diocese.

For your pastoral acting and for the entrusted Parish I invoke on you the Blessing of the Triune God.

With warmest greetings
And united in prayer
Trier, 12/13/2005

+ Dr. Reinhard Marx
diocesan bishop to the events



4. Decree of Paul VI

With the present publication of "key messages" of Marpingen we do not wish to precede the judgment of the Church in this matter, to

which we humbly submit.

The decision of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith was published in the Official Acts of the Holy See (AAS No. 58/16

dated December 29, 1966). Articles 1399 and 2318 of Canon Law are abrogated by this decree. This decree of abrogation was approved on

October 14, 1966 by His Holiness, the Sovereign Pontiff Paul VI, who ordered its publication at the same time.

According to the will of His Holiness, it was released and therefore:

"It is no longer forbidden to publish writing text relating to new revelations, apparitions, prophecies, or miracles without an imprimatur."

The Second Vatican Council has recognized the right to information and those regulations no longer apply after November 15, 1966 (Catholic

Documentation 1488, p 327)

"On October 14, 1966, in the decree of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith confirmed (No. 58/59 AAS), His Holiness

Pope Paul VI. has granted permission to publish writings accounts of revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles without need of Imprimatur,

or of Nihil Obstat.

Of course these publications must not put in danger Faith or Morals.

However, in accordance with the regulations of the Second Vatican Council, the publisher states that we do not wish to precede the judgment

of the Church in this matter, to which we humbly submit.

