" Key messages "
of the 1st "Apparitions" in Marpingen / Saar from July 3, 1876 until September 3, 1877
"I am the Immaculate
"You should pray piously and not
The "apparitions" were held over 14 months and the
Blessed Virgin has always introduced herself
as the Immaculate Conception in response to the issue of children.
There are three eight-year
old girls from Marpingen named:
Margaretha Kunz
Susanna Leist and
Katharina Hubertus.
Each time when they asked the apparition: "What
should we do?"
Our Lady replied:" You should
pray piously," or " You should pray piously and not sin. "
A priest of the Diocese of Münster, in his book
"Marpingen and months of grace" ("Marpingen und seine Gnadenmonate"),
summed up the contents of the
Let us consider the apparitions of Our Lady in
Marpingen closer, so wants the Virgin Mary to be revealed
as the Immaculate Conception (She introduced herself with these words for the first time on July 04, 1876)
and all the apparitions refer
to this mystery of salvation.
Blessed Pope Pius IX crowned before the very eyes of
the world the Mother of God on December8,
1854 with the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
Through this apparition, she wants to show the world that the Church has told the truth,
and the faithful of the Church can look with firm confidence to the Mother of God and be assured that she will lead
the Church, also in this struggle to victory.
Throughout Germany, deprived of their pastors, can firmly count on her, as the Mother of Justice, and safely.
The consequence of this glorification of Mary by the papacy was the glorification of the dogma
of papal infallibility granted by the Virgin Mary (in 1870).
To this reflects the fact that the opponents of the infallibility,
who also denied the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God, got away from the Church.
The Virgin Mary is glorious in the apparition; her luster is like the sun, so the children said.
Who does not remember the
name: Sun of Justice.
During the heavenly apparitions appeared all persons
who took part in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ:
On August 9, 1876, a white body appearance, like a dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit,
descending from heaven came down on Mary with Jesus child.
Then a voice spoke from
heaven: "This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on him."
As in the days of Jesus Christ, Satan mustered all
his power, he displays far.
But as the Virgin Mary crushed his head at the time, she will defeat him, even now.
In the apparition, we see the Virgin Mary in the battle with satan. (Sept. 1876)
Angels appear, welcome the love of the Virgin Mary to mankind.
The souls in Purgatory (September 28, 1876) appear as a witness to the existence of Purgatory.
The devil had to appear as an adversary of the Mother of God in Marpingen,
which has frustrated those who seek to deny the existence of Satan.
If Satan does not exist, the Mother of God does not have to defeat him (Gen 3, 15)
To comfort believers and strengthen their faith, the Virgin Mary appeared in the nineteenth century at a time
when unbelief seems to triumph and in which faith is put to the test.
What a joy!