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Påvens kallelsen till helighet |
NYTT! påve Franciskus tredje Apostoliska Uppmaning |
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GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE ”Gläd er och jubla” ”Om kallelsen till helighet i vår samtid” Läs mer här |
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Helige Johannes Paulus II |
Holiness is not a question of age. (WYD 2002 in Toronto) |
Do not be afraid to be the saints of the new millennium! (WYD 2000 in Rome) |
"Dare to be saints!" |
Christ calls us to holiness (1985-03-31) |
Påven Benediktus XVI |
"Dare to be glowing saints!" (2011-09-24) |
Meeting with the candidates for Confirmation in Milan (2012-06-02) |
Påven Franciskus |
Saint Bakhita, patron saint of victims of trafficking, faced the pain of slavery and witnessed the freedom and joy of encountering the Lord. Let us pray that all may live this joy and break the chains of slavery. #PrayAgainstTrafficking (@Pontifex: 2020-02-08) |
Both John the Baptist, who is the greatest man born of woman, and the Son of God have chosen the path of humiliation. God shows this path to Christians so they can move forward. One cannot be humble without having suffered humiliation. #HomilySantaMarta (@Pontifex: 2020-02-07) |
May the holiness of Saint #JohnBosco, who we remember today as a father and teacher to youth, be a guide, especially to you dear young people, in achieving your future projects, as you welcome the plan that God has for each of us. (@Pontifex: 2020-01-31) |
Holiness is the fruit of God's grace and of our free response to it. Holiness is a gift and a call. (@Pontifex: 2019-11-04) |
The memory of the Saints leads us to raise our eyes to Heaven: not to forget the realities of the earth, but to face them with more courage and hope. #AllSaintsDay (@Pontifex: 2019-11-01) |
Let us thank the Lord for all the good done, in the world and in our hearts, through the words, actions and holiness of #JohnPaulII. Let us remember always his call to: "Open the doors to Christ!" #SaintOfTheDay (@Pontifex: 2019-10-22) |
Saint Luke, you reveal the heart of Jesus and His mercy, help us to rediscover the joy of being Christians, witnesses of the goodness of the Lord. #SaintOfTheDay (@Pontifex: 2019-10-18) |
Today we give thanks to the Lord for our new #Saints. They walked by faith and now we invoke their intercession. (@Pontifex: 2019-10-13) |
Saint John the Baptist who bore witness to the Messiah by dying for the truth, pray for us! (@Pontifex: 2019-08-29) |
Basically, the Christian witness announces this alone: that Jesus is alive and that He is the secret of life. #StLawrenceMartyr (@Pontifex: 2019-08-10) |
On the feast of the saintly Curé d'Ars, I
write to all of you who, carrying out your mission in service to God and
His people, write the most beautiful pages of priestly life.
#ToMyBrotherPriests (@Pontifex:
2019-08-04) Read more: To My Brother Priests |
Witness is born from the encounter with the living Jesus. #SaintMaryMagdalene, Apostle of Hope, pray for us! (@Pontifex: 2019-07-22) |
#StsPeterandPaul were transparent before God. Throughout life, they preserved this humility, to the very end. Both understood that holiness does not consist in exalting but rather humbling oneself. (@Pontifex: 2019-06-29) |
Mother Teresa, we ask you to intercede with
Jesus, that we too may obtain the grace to be attentive to the cry of
the poor, the sick, the outcast and the least of our brothers and
sisters. #ApostolicJourney #NorthMacedonia http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/prayers/documents/papa-francesco_preghiere_20190507_macedoniadelnord-preghiera.html (@Pontifex: 2019-05-07) |
As Saint Cyril said: “With joy I set out for the Christian faith; however weary and physically weak, I will go with joy”. #ApostolicJourney #Bulgaria http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2019/may/documents/papa-francesco_20190505_bulgaria-patriarca.html (@Pontifex: 2019-05-05) |
Saint Francis reminds us that Christians set out armed only with their humble faith and concrete love. If we live in the world according to the ways of God, we will become channels of His presence. #UAE #ApostolicJourney (@Pontifex: 2019-02-05) |
Don Bosco had the courage to look at reality with human eyes and with the eyes of God. May every priest imitate him by seeing reality with human eyes and with the eyes of God. #SantaMarta (@Pontifex: 2019-01-31) |
Be like Saint Joseph: a man of dreams, not a dreamer; a man of silence, because he respects God's plan. #SantaMarta (@Pontifex: 2018-12-18) |
Today we celebrate the feast of holiness. Let us strengthen the bonds of love and communion with all the Saints who are already in God's presence. (@Pontifex: 2018-11-01) |
The company of the saints helps us to recognize that God never abandons us, so that we can live and bear witness to hope on this earth. (@Pontifex: 2018-10-22) |
The world needs saints, and all of us, without exception, are called to holiness. We are not afraid! (@Pontifex: 2018-10-14) |
Jesus gave us a simple programme for journeying towards holiness: the commandment of love for God and our neighbor. (@Pontifex: 2018-09-27) |
The witness of St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina encourages us to live the Beatitudes through prayer and works of mercy. (@Pontifex: 2018-09-22) |
Carry peace with you to give it to others with your life, with a smile, with works of charity. Saint Mother Teresa, pray for us! (@Pontifex: 2018-09-05) |
Dear Mothers, be like Saint Monica and never give up. Pray unceasingly for your children. (@Pontifex: 2018-08-27) |
Holiness is not only about the spirit: it is also the feet that take us to our brothers and sisters, and the hands that allow us to help them. (@Pontifex: 2018-07-29) |
Europe rediscovers hope when the human person is at the heart of its institutions. St Benedict, pray for us! (@Pontifex: 2018-07-11) |
Mary lived Jesus’ Beatitudes like no other: she is saintly among the saints, she shows us the way to holiness and accompanies us. (@Pontifex: 2018-05-18) |
We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do. #GaudeteetExsultate (@Pontifex: 2018-04-14) |
The holiness to which the Lord calls you grows through small gestures in everyday life. #GaudeteetExsultate (@Pontifex: 2018-04-13) |
Saints are distinguished by a spirit of prayer and a need for communion with God. There is no holiness without prayer. #Holiness (@Pontifex: 2018-04-12) |
Holiness is the most attractive face of the
Church. #SaintsToday The word "happy" or "blessed" becomes a synonym for "holy", because those faithful to God, by their self-giving, gain true happiness. #GaudeteetExsultate (@Pontifex: 2018-04-11) |
Keeping a heart free of all that tarnishes
love, sowing peace all around us, accepting daily the path of the
Gospel, even though it may cause us problems: that is holiness.
#SaintsToday Being poor of heart, reacting with meekness and humility, knowing how to mourn with others, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, seeing and acting with mercy: that is holiness. #SaintsToday (@Pontifex: 2018-04-10) |
Are you in a position of authority? Be holy
by working for the common good and renouncing personal gain.
#GaudeteetExsultate Are you a parent or grandparent? Be holy by patiently teaching the little ones how to follow Jesus. #SaintsToday Do you work for a living? Be holy by labouring with integrity and skill in the service of your brothers and sisters. #Holiness Are you married? Be holy by loving and caring for your husband or wife, as Christ does for the Church. #GaudeteetExsultate Are you called to the consecrated life? Be holy by living out your commitment with joy. #SaintsToday The Lord calls each of us to holiness, you too. #Holiness I wish to repropose the call to holiness: “Rejoice and be glad”. #GaudeteetExsultate (@Pontifex: 2018-04-09) |
Dear friends, the world needs saints and we are all called to holiness without exception. Don’t be afraid! (@Pontifex: 2017-11-01) |
Dear friends, the world needs saints and we are all called to holiness without exception. Don’t be afraid! (@Pontifex: 2017-11-01) |
Today, as we remember Saint John Paul II, let us also recall his words: “Do not be afraid! Open wide the doors for Christ!” (@Pontifex: 2017-10-22) |
Along with the Saints, let the joy and beauty of living the Gospel shine through the witness of our lives. (@Pontifex: 2017-10-15) |
Like Saint John XXIII, whom we remember today, let us witness to God’s goodness and mercy before the Church and the world. (@Pontifex: 2017-10-11) |
Like Saint Francis of Assisi, let us be transformed by the love of Christ in order to live in simplicity and joy. (@Pontifex: 2017-10-04) |
Like Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, let us learn from the humility of God who became small for us. (@Pontifex: 2017-10-01) |
Like Mother Teresa, may we open up opportunities of joy and hope for the many who are discouraged and need understanding and tenderness. (@Pontifex: 2017-09-05) |
Today we give glory to God for the work of Saint Dominic in the service of the Gospel which he preached with his words and his life. (@Pontifex: 2017-08-08) |
Like Saint Ignatius of Loyola, let us be won over by the Lord Jesus and, led by Him, place ourselves at the service of others. (@Pontifex: 2017-07-31) |
Helgonen, hoppets vittnen: "Man kan vara helgon i vardagslivet" (Katekes 2017-06-21 - YOUCAT 342) |
The Church needs everyday saints, those of ordinary life carried out with coherence. (@Pontifex: 2017-06-07) |
Today we remember Blessed Charles de Foucauld who said, faith calls us to see Jesus in every human being. (@Pontifex: 2016-12-01) |
On this feast of Saint Andrew, with fraternal affection I am close to Patriarch Bartholomew and pray for him and the Church entrusted to him. (@Pontifex: 2016-11-30) |
The saints have found the secret of authentic happiness, which lies deep within the soul and has its source in the love of God. (@Pontifex: 2016-11-01) |
“Do not be afraid! Open wide the doors for Christ!” – Saint John Paul II, 22 October 1978. (@Pontifex: 2016-10-22) |
Holiness is to live by being loving and offering our Christian witness in our everyday lives. (@Pontifex: 2016-10-19) |
Let us go forward with courage on the path to holiness! (@Pontifex: 2016-10-16) |
Let us carry Mother Teresa’s smile in our hearts and give it to those whom we meet along our journey. (@Pontifex: 2016-09-04) |
Let us imitate Mother Teresa who made works of mercy the guide of her life and the path towards holiness. (@Pontifex: 2016-09-03) |
May a powerful gust of holiness sweep through all the Americas during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy! (@Pontifex: 2016-08-27) |
Elisabeth Hesselblad helgonförklarades av påven Franciskus. (Predikan under en högtidlig mässa på Petersplatsen: 5 juni 2016) |
The Saints are not supermen, nor were they born perfect. When they recognized God’s love, they followed it and served others. (@Pontifex: 2016-06-05) |
Helighet är mod, hopp, nåd och omvändelse. (Predikan i morgonmässan i Sankta Maras kapell: 24 maj 2016) |
The Jubilee is a year-long celebration, in which every moment becomes a chance for us to grow in holiness. (@Pontifex: 2016-04-06) |
The time has come for new messengers of Christ, ever more generous, more joyful and more holy. (@Pontifex: 2015-11-30) |
Uganda has experienced the witness of Christian martyrs. May they help us spread the joy of the Gospel without fear. (@Pontifex: 2015-11-28) |
Saint Joseph Vaz, teach us to grow in holiness and to live the Gospel’s message of mercy. (@Pontifex: 2015-01-14) |
Helighet i vardagen (Katekes 2014-11-19 - YOUCAT 342) |
The martyrs teach us that wealth, prestige and honor have little importance: Christ is the only true treasure. (@Pontifex: 2014-08-16) |
Holiness means giving ourselves in sacrifice every day. And so married life is a tremendous path to sanctity! (@Pontifex: 2014-05-09) |
To be a saint is not a luxury. It is necessary for the salvation of the world. (2014-02-23 Predikan) |
"Sluta skvallra och du är på god väg mot helighet" (2014-02-16 Angelus) |
Holiness doesn’t mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith. (@Pontifex: 2013-12-05) |
The Kingdom of Heaven is for those who place their trust in the love of God, not in material possessions. (@Pontifex: 2013-11-22) |
To be saints is not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone. (@Pontifex: 2013-11-21) |
The Saints were not superhuman. They were people who loved God in their hearts, and who shared this joy with others. (@Pontifex: 2013-11-19) |
Helgonen tillhör Gud helt och hållet. De är inte rädda för att bli hånade, missförstådda och åsidosatta. (@Pontifex: 2013-11-07) |
"Jag tror på Gud": Kyrkan är helig (Katekes 2013-10-02) |
Prayer, humility, and charity toward all are essential in the Christian life: they are the way to holiness. (@Pontifex: 2013-07-16) |