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Eukaristin och den heliga mässan |
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Det apostoliska brevet „Desiderio desideravi“ om liturgin |
Den heliga mässan | Audiens | Youcat | ||||||
1. Inledning | 2017-11-08 | 179-184 | ||||||
2. Den heliga mässan är bön | 2017-11-15 | 208 | ||||||
3. Mässan är åminnelse av Kristi påskmysterium | 2017-11-22 | 212 | ||||||
4. Varför gå i mässan på söndagar? | 2017-12-13 | 219; 365-366 |
5. Mässan: Inledningsriternaes | 2017-12-20 | 213-215 | ||||||
6. Syndabekännelsen | 2018-01-03 | 214; 227-239 |
7. “Gloria” och kollektbönen | 2018-01-10 | 214 | ||||||
8. Ordets liturgi: I. Dialog mellan Gud och hans folk | 2018-01-31 | 14-17 | ||||||
9. Ordets liturgi. II. Evangeliet och predikan | 2018-02-07 | 18-19 | ||||||
10. Ordets liturgi. III. Trosbekännelsen och Kyrkans allmänna förbön | 2018-02-14 | 28-29 | ||||||
11. Eukaristins liturgi: I. Offergåvornas tillredelse | 28.02.2018 | 215-220 | ||||||
12. Eukaristins liturgi. II. Den eukaristiska bönen | 07.03.2018 | 215-216 | ||||||
13. Eukaristins liturgi. III. “Fader vår” och brödsbrytelse | 14.03.2018 | 511-527 | ||||||
14. Eukaristins liturgi. IV. den sakramentala kommunionen | 21.03.2018 | 217-223 | ||||||
15. Avslutningsriter | 04.04.2018 | |||||||
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Eukaristin | |||||||
Blessing is not about saying nice words or trite phrases; it is about speaking goodness, speaking with love. The Eucharist is itself a school of blessing. #CorpusDomini (@Pontifex: 06/23/2019) | ||||||||
The Eucharist prepares us for a place in eternity, because it is the Bread of Heaven. #CorpusDomini (@Pontifex: 06/23/2019) | ||||||||
Jesus blev brödet som bryts för oss och det ber oss att ge av oss för andra och inte längre leva för oss själva, utan för varandra. (@Pontifex: 06/20/2019) | ||||||||
In the Eucharist you really meet Jesus, share His life, feel His love; there you experience that His death and resurrection are for you. #HolyThursday. (@Pontifex: 04/18/2019) | ||||||||
Don’t let the sufferings you see frighten you. Place them before the Crucifix and the Eucharist from which we draw patient and compassionate love. (@Pontifex: 01/15/2019) | ||||||||
Sunday is a holy day for us, sanctified by the celebration of the Eucharist, which is the living presence of the Lord among us and for us. #sundaymass (@Pontifex: 11/11/2018) | ||||||||
Sunday Mass is at the heart of the Church’s life. There we encounter the Risen Lord, we listen to His Word, we are nourished at His table, and thus we become Church. #sundaymass (@Pontifex: 11/04/2018) | ||||||||
Sunday is the day to say to God: thank you Lord, for life, for your mercy, and for all your gifts! (@Pontifex: 09/30/2018) | ||||||||
The Eucharist, Jesus the Bread of Life, is the beating heart of the Church and renews in us the impulse to love. (@Pontifex: 08/19/2018) | ||||||||
Thanks to the gift of the Eucharist, our lives too become “bread broken” for our brothers and sisters. (@Pontifex: 08/12/2018) | ||||||||
The Eucharist is our “reservation” for Heaven: Jesus leads us on our journey towards eternal life. (@Pontifex: 08/05/2018) | ||||||||
The living presence of Christ within us is the light that guides our choices, the flame that warms our hearts as we go to meet the Lord. (@Pontifex: 06/04/2018) | ||||||||
On this Feast of Corpus Christi, we need to remember that Jesus, the Bread of Life, is our strength and support on life's journey. (@Pontifex: 06/03/2018) | ||||||||
The Eucharist contains all the flavour of Jesus’ words and deeds, the taste of His Death and Resurrection, the fragrance of His Spirit. (@Pontifex: 05/31/2018) | ||||||||
Through the Eucharist we enter Christ’s paschal mystery, allowing us to pass from death to life with Him. (@Pontifex: 03/29/2018) | ||||||||
Jesus was broken; he is broken for us. This is the Eucharist. And he asks us to give ourselves, to break ourselves, as it were, for others. (@Pontifex: 06/18/2017) | ||||||||
By receiving the Eucharist we are nourished of the Body and Blood of Jesus, and by entering us, Jesus joins us to his Body! (@Pontifex: 05/29/2016) | ||||||||
«Gör detta till minne av mig» (1 Kor 11:24-25) - ("Corpus Domini" Predikan: 2016-05-26) Läs mer här >> | ||||||||
Jesus gives himself to us in the Eucharist, offering himself as spiritual food that sustains our life. (@Pontifex: 05/26/2016) | ||||||||
The Eucharist is the “bread broken for the life of the world”. (Homily in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: 07/09/2015) More >> | ||||||||
I Eukaristin finner vi Gud som ger sig själv. (@Pontifex: 2015-06-09) | ||||||||
Eukaristin återkallar förbundet, som helgar, renar och enar oss i en enastående gemenskap med Gud. ("Corpus Domini" Predikan: 2015-06-04) Läs mer här >> | ||||||||
It is good for us to spend time before the Tabernacle, to feel the gaze of Jesus upon us. (@Pontifex: 05/05/2015) | ||||||||
If Jesus is to become the centre of our life, we need to spend time in his presence, before the Tabernacle. (@Pontifex: 12/20/2014) | ||||||||
When we do not adore God, we adore something else. Money and power are false idols which often take the place of God. (@Pontifex: 08/02/2014) | ||||||||
Eukaristin: Riktig Mat i vardagen. ('Corpus Christi" Predikan: 2014-06-19) Läs mer här >> | ||||||||
The Eucharist is essential for us: it is Christ who wishes to enter our lives and fill us with his grace. (@Pontifex: 02/28/2014) | ||||||||
Eukaristin: Vad har vi för förhållande till mässan? (Katekes: 2014-02-12 // Youcat 213-223) Läs mer här >> | ||||||||
The Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, are privileged places of encountering Christ. (@Pontifex: 02/08/2014) | ||||||||
The Eucharist: the supreme thanksgiving to the Father. (Catechesis: 02/05/2014 // Youcat n. 208-212) More >> | ||||||||
It is easy to ask God for things; we all do it. When will we also learn to give him thanks and to adore him? (@Pontifex: 01/25/2014) | ||||||||
In the face of the Child Jesus we contemplate the face of God. Come, let us adore him! (@Pontifex: 12/30/2013) | ||||||||
If we are to know the Lord, we must go to him. Listen to him in silence before the tabernacle and approach him in the Sacraments. (@Pontifex: 10/21/2013) | ||||||||
Apostolic letter MANE NOBISCUM DOMINE St pope John Paul II (10/07/2004) More>> | ||||||||
Encyclical letter ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA of St pope John Paul II ( 04/17/2003) More >> | ||||||||
![]() Children of the Eucharist |
Fifteen Minutes in Company of Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament --> Eukaristisk tilbedjan Live |
52nd International Eucharistic Congress |
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IEC 2020-2021 Budapest | ||||||