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Den Gudomliga Barmhärtighetens Novena | Rosenkrans till Guds Barmhärtighet | ||||
Påve Franciskus Misericordia et misera Apostoliskt brev 2016-11-20 Lâs mer här Misericordiae Vultus (Bull 2015-04-11) Påven Franciskus bön Påve Benedikt XVI The Most Precious Blood (Angelus 2009-07-05) Helige Johannes Paulus II Encyklika Dives in Misericordia (1980-11-30) |
![]() World Youth Day Kraków 2016 "Saliga de barmhärtiga, de skall möta barmhärtighet." - Matt 5:7 Läs mer här |
Kroppsliga barmhärtighetsgärningar Att ge de hungrande mat, dryck åt törstiga, att ge de bostadslösa tak över huvudet, att klä de nakna, att besöka de sjuka och fångna, och att begrava de döda. (Youcat 450) |
The Shrine of Divine Mercy in
Krakow-Łagiewniki Avlatindikationer Brevet av påven Franciskus 2015-09-01 Läs mer här |
Our Mother Church teaches us works of mercy |
Merciful Jesus in the Matrimony 09/14/2014 |
barmhärtighetsgärningar Att undervisa, ge råd, trösta och styrka, förlåta och uthärda med tålamod, be för levande och döda och för förföljare (Youcat 451) |
Guds Barmhärtighet (Predikan: 2015-04-11) Bangui blir den andliga huvudstad i bön om Faderns barmhärtighet (Predikan: 2015-11-29) |
(Jesus, jag förtröstar på Dig) | |||||
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2019-10-19 - I encourage you to bring the light of the Gospel to our contemporaries. May you be witnesses of freedom and mercy, allowing fraternity and dialogue to prevail over divisions. #ExtraordinaryMissionaryMonth #MissionaryOctober 2019-06-28 - Jesus looks at us, loves us and awaits us. He is all heart and all mercy. Let us go with confidence to Jesus. He always forgives us. #SacredHeartofJesus 2019-06-02 - May you be witnesses of freedom and mercy, allowing fraternity and dialogue to prevail over divisions. #ApostolicJourney #Romania 2019-05-25 - Mercy shown to those who can only receive, without giving anything in return, is precious in the eyes of God. 2019-05-11 - This is the time of mercy; this is the time of the Lord’s compassion. Let us open our hearts so that He may come to us. 2019-04-28 - If we open our hearts to mercy and we seal forgiveness with a fraternal embrace, we proclaim before the world that it is possible to overcome evil with good. #DivineMercy 2019-04-27 - The Lord seeks everyone, He wants everyone to feel the warmth of His mercy and His love. 2019-02-05 - The Beatitudes are a roadmap for our life: they invite us to keep our hearts pure, to practice meekness and justice, to be merciful to all, to live affliction in union with God. #UAE #ApostolicJourney 2018-12-29 - Bring God’s tenderness and mercy to all those who are discarded by society. 2018-11-24 - None of us can survive without mercy. We all have need for forgiveness. 2018-11-09 - Where there is sin there is also the merciful Lord God who forgives if you go to Him. #SantaMarta 2018-11-08 - May the Lord help us understand the logic of the Gospel, that of mercy with bearing witness. #SantaMarta 2018-11-02 - Jesus made it so death does not have the last word: those who believe in Him will be transfigured by the Father's merciful love for an eternal and blessed life. 2018-09-30 - Sunday is the day to say to God: thank you Lord, for life, for your mercy, and for all your gifts! 2018-09-21 - If you want to reach the heart of God, take the way of mercy, and allow yourself to be treated with mercy. #SantaMarta 2018-09-13 - When I am merciful, I am a true child of the Father, because the Father is merciful. #SantaMarta 2018-05-03 - In the Cross, Jesus showed us the greatness of His love and the power of His mercy. 2018-04-19 - Mercy opens the doors of the heart because it makes us feel like we are all children of one Father. 2018-04-08 - God covers us with His mercy, He enfolds us in Christ, so that we can become instruments of His goodness. 2018-02-08 - Let us welcome victims of human trafficking, and all those fleeing from war and hunger, with a compassionate heart. 2018-01-20 - There is no better medicine to heal so many wounds than a heart capable of mercy. 2017-12-19 - Go out to meet Jesus, spend time with Him in prayer, and entrust your whole life to His merciful love. 2017-10-27 - God loves us with a love so rich in mercy that He constantly welcomes us, protects and forgives us. 2017-10-11 - Like Saint John XXIII, whom we remember today, let us witness to God’s goodness and mercy before the Church and the world. 2017-09-08 - Truth is an inseparable companion of justice and mercy. 2017-09-02 - Jesus is always there with an open heart. He throws open the mercy that he has in his heart. He forgives, embraces, and understands. 2017-08-20 - We always need to rediscover God’s love and mercy in order to develop our relationship with Him. 2017-08-17 - May nothing stop you from living and growing in your Heavenly Father’s friendship, and from witnessing to His infinite goodness and mercy. 2017-06-24 - Mercy warms the heart and makes it sensitive to the needs of brothers and sisters with sharing and participation. 2017-06-11 - The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity invites us to be a leaven of communion, consolation and mercy. 2017-05-31 - Let us learn from the strong and helpful faith of our Mother Mary in order to become living signs of God’s mercy. 2017-04-23 - Let us pray for the grace to never grow tired of drawing from the well of the Father’s mercy and bringing it to the world. 2017-04-23 - God’s mercy is forever; it never ends, it never runs out, it never gives up when faced with closed doors, and it never tires. 2017-04-01 - Even in the hardest and most disturbing moments, the Lord’s mercy and goodness are greater than every thing. 2017-02-28 - Prayer is the key that opens God’s merciful heart. 2017-02-27 - When the journey is uncertain and you fall, God, rich in mercy, will extend his hand to pick you up. 2017-01-11 - Everyone can help bring about a culture of mercy, in which no one looks at another with indifference. 2016-12-21 - Mercy gives rise to joy, because our hearts are opened to the hope of a new life. 2016-12-20 - Mercy is the concrete action of God’s love that, by forgiving, transforms and changes our lives. 2016-12-19 - Nothing of what a repentant sinner places before God’s mercy can be excluded from the embrace of his forgiveness. 2016-12-18 - Our joy comes from the confidence we have that the Lord is close to us with his tenderness, mercy, forgiveness and love. 2016-12-14 - Now is the time to unleash the creativity of mercy, to bring about new undertakings, the fruit of grace. 2016-11-29 - Jesus calls us to be bearers of joy and consolation as his merciful witnesses. 2016-11-28 - Mercy is not a parenthesis in the life of the Church; it constitutes her very existence, making tangible the profound truths of the Gospel. 2016-11-26 - With the close of the Jubilee, we look ahead at how to continue to experience with joy, fidelity and enthusiasm the richness of God’s mercy. 2016-11-22 - How much I desire that the years to come will be full of mercy, so that every person can experience the goodness and tenderness of God! 2016-11-20 - We entrust the life of the Church, all humanity, and the entire cosmos to the Lord, asking him to pour out his mercy upon us. 2016-11-20 - May the balm of mercy reach everyone, both believers and those far away, as a sign that the Kingdom of God is already present in our midst! 2016-11-20 - Today we close the Holy Door thanking God for having granted us this extraordinary time of grace. 2016-11-20 - May the Jubilee of Mercy, which concludes today, continue to bear fruit in the hearts and works of believers. 2016-11-19 - God’s mercy toward us is linked to our mercy toward our neighbour. 2016-11-18 - If you want a heart full of love, be merciful! 2016-11-17 - It is not enough to experience God’s mercy in one’s life; whoever receives it must also become a sign and instrument for others. 2016-11-16 - We don’t have to go far or come up with grand projects to be charitable. Often the people closest to us could use our help. 2016-11-15 - If every one of us, every day, does a work of mercy, there will be a revolution in the world! 2016-11-14 - In a world which has been damaged by the virus of indifference, the works of mercy are the best antidote. 2016-11-13 - If you want to find God, seek him where he is hidden: in the neediest, the sick, the hungry, the imprisoned. 2016-11-12 - I am before the Holy Door and I ask: “Lord, help me to thrust open the door of my heart!”. 2016-11-09 - May we make God’s merciful love ever more evident in our world through dialogue, mutual acceptance and fraternal cooperation. 2016-10-29 - Let us abbandon a language of condemnation and embrace one of mercy. 2016-09-16 - Only those who humble themselves before the Lord can experience the greatness of his mercy. 2016-09-10 - Mercy can truly contribute to the building up of a more humane world. 2016-09-08 - To offer today’s world the witness of mercy is a task from which none of us can feel exempted. 2016-09-07 - God is always moved to compassion whenever we repent. 2016-09-06 - What a great gift the Lord has given us in teaching us to forgive and in this way to touch the Father’s mercy! 2016-09-04 - Let us carry Mother Teresa’s smile in our hearts and give it to those whom we meet along our journey. 2016-09-03 - Let us imitate Mother Teresa who made works of mercy the guide of her life and the path towards holiness. 2016-08-31 - Serving with love and tenderness those who are in need helps us to grow in humanity. 2016-08-29 - May God’s mercy towards us move us to be merciful towards our neighbors. 2016-08-28 - An easy prayer to say every day: “Lord, I am a sinner: come with your mercy”. 2016-08-27 - May a powerful gust of holiness sweep through all the Americas during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy!. 2016-08-21 - Mercy does not just mean being a “good person” nor is it mere sentimentality. It is the measure of our authenticity as disciples of Jesus. 2016-08-19 - Where there is love, there is also understanding and forgiveness. 2016-08-17 - Through the cross we can touch God’s mercy and be touched by that mercy! 2016-08-13 - May people see the Gospel in our lives: in our generous and faithful love for Christ and our brothers and sisters. 2016-08-12 - In Confession we encounter the merciful embrace of the Father. His love always forgives. 2016-08-04 - God’s forgiveness knows no limits...God looks at the heart that seeks forgiveness. 2016-06-30 - This Jubilee of mercy is a time of reconciliation for everyone. 2016-06-17 - In prayer let us experience the compassion of God, full of merciful love. 2016-06-16 - Even in the worst situation of life, God waits for me, God wants to embrace me, God expects me. 2016-05-25 - With the weapons of love, God has defeated selfishness and death. His son Jesus is the door of mercy wide open to all. 2016-05-23 - In a broken world, to communicate with mercy means to help create closeness between the children of God. 2016-05-18 - The Jubilee is the party to which Jesus invites us all, without excluding anyone. 2016-05-14 - To communicate with mercy means to help create a healthy, free and fraternal closeness among the children of God. 2016-05-11 - What we say and how we say it, our every word and gesture, ought to express God’s compassion, tenderness and forgiveness for all. 2016-05-03 - Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God’s mercy, out of love for us, died on the cross, and out of love he rose again from the dead. 2016-04-29 - Jesus conquered evil at the root: he is the Door of Salvation, open wide so that each person may find mercy. 2016-04-28 - Before the spiritual and moral abysses of mankind, only God’s infinite mercy can bring us salvation. 2016-04-06 - The Jubilee is a year-long celebration, in which every moment becomes a chance for us to grow in holiness. 2016-04-03 - Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness. 2016-04-02 - To be merciful means to grow in a love which is courageous, generous and real. 2016-04-01 - Passing through the Holy Door, let us put our trust in God’s grace, which can change our lives. 2016-03-30 - If we open ourselves up to welcome God’s mercy for ourselves, in turn we become capable of forgiveness. 2016-03-29 - Jesus shows us the real face of God, for whom power does not mean destruction but love, and for whom justice is not vengeance but mercy. 2016-03-25 - Impress, Lord, in our hearts the sentiments of faith, hope, love and sorrow for our sins. 2016-03-23 - With how much love Jesus looks at us! With how much love He heals our sinful heart! Our sins never scare Him. 2016-03-20 - Let us come to Him and let us not be afraid! Let us come to Him and say from the depths of our hearts: “Jesus, I trust in You!” 2016-03-17 - No one can be excluded from the mercy of God. The Church is the house where everyone is welcomed and no one is rejected. 2016-03-15 - God is truly “rich in mercy” and extends it abundantly upon those who appeal to Him with a sincere heart. 2016-03-14 - The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows us to draw near to the Father with trust to have the certainty of his forgiveness. 2016-03-09 - God has caressed us with his mercy. Let us bring God’s tender caress to others, to those who are in need. 2016-03-08 - Small gestures of love, of tenderness, of care, make people feel that the Lord is with us. This is how the door of mercy opens. 2016-03-06 - The Jubilee of Mercy is a propitious occasion to promote in the world ways to respect life and the dignity of each person. 2016-03-04 - Jesus Christ, with his closeness and tenderness, leads sinners into the place of grace and pardon. This is the mercy of God. 2016-03-04 - Open your heart to mercy! Divine mercy is stronger than the sins of men. 2016-02-18 - Do not forget that the mercy of God is our shield and strength against injustice, destruction and oppression. 2016-02-17 - Celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy means learning how to not remain prisoners of the past. It means believing things can be different. 2016-02-17 - The mercy of Jesus embraces everyone in every part of the world: open your hearts! 2016-02-14 - Jesus is waiting for us and wants to heal our hearts of all that tears us down. He is the God who has a name: Mercy. 2016-02-08 - Entering through the Holy Door means discovering the depths of the Father’s mercy, who seeks each of us personally. 2016-01-22 - In today’s society, in which forgiveness is so rare, mercy is ever more important. 2016-01-05 - In Jesus of Nazareth, mercy has appeared and lives (MV 1). 2015-12-31 - Let us thank God who is merciful and ever at our side (MV 6). 2015-12-30 - No one can put limits on God’s love, for he is always ready to forgive (MV 3). 2015-12-29 - The mercy of God will always be greater than any sin (MV 3). 2015-12-20 - However grave our sin, God responds with total forgiveness (MV 3). 2015-12-19 - Mercy is the path uniting God with man, for it opens the heart to the hope of an eternal love (MV 2). 2015-12-08 - May the Jubilee of Mercy bring us all closer to God’s goodness and love! 2015-11-29 - The Jubilee Year of Mercy reminds us that God is waiting for us with open arms, just like the father of the prodigal son. 2015-08-18 - When we experience the merciful love of the Father, we are more able to share this joy with our neighbour. 2015-08-08 - We are all sinners. Let us be transformed by God’s mercy. 2015-06-25 - In Confession, Jesus welcomes us with all our sinfulness, to give us a new heart, capable of loving as he loves. 2015-05-19 - God is always waiting for us, he always understands us, he always forgives us. 2015-05-12 - Why is it so difficult to tolerate the faults of others? Have we forgotten that Jesus bore our sins? 2015-04-30 - Amid so many problems, even grave, may we not lose our hope in the infinite mercy of God. 2015-04-25 - We Christians are called to go out of ourselves to bring the mercy and tenderness of God to all. 2015-04-23 - In the Sacraments we discover the strength to think and to act according to the Gospel. 2015-04-14 - The Lord never tires of forgiving us. It is we who get tired of asking for pardon. 2015-04-09 - Lord, give us the gift of tears, the ability to cry for our sins and so receive your forgiveness. 2015-04-03 - The Cross of Christ is not a defeat: the Cross is love and mercy. 2015-03-31 - Confession is the sacrament of the tenderness of God, his way of embracing us. 2015-03-23 - May every Church and Christian community be a place of mercy amid so much indifference. 2015-03-17 - Let us allow God to fill our hearts with his goodness and mercy. 2015-03-09 - Humility saves man: pride makes him lose his way. 2015-02-21 - Det finns ingen synd som Gud inte kan förlåta. Allt vi behöver göra är att be om förlåtelse. 2015-02-20 - The Sacraments are the manifestation of the Father’s tenderness and love towards each of us. 2015-02-18 - Lord, grant us the grace to know we are sinners. 2015-02-03 - We are all sinners. We are all called to a conversion of heart. 2014-10-11 - The spiritual power of the Sacraments is boundless. With grace, we can overcome every obstacle. 2014-09-25 - Jesus understands our weaknesses and sins; and he forgives us if we allow ourselves to be forgiven. 2014-08-30 - The Lord always forgives us and walks at our side. We have to let him do that. 2014-07-10 - Do not be afraid to cast yourselves into the arms of God; whatever he asks of you, he will repay a hundredfold. 2014-02-08 - The Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, are privileged places of encountering Christ. 2013-12-13 - Don’t be afraid to go to the Sacrament of Confession, where you will meet Jesus who forgives you. 2013-11-23 - The Sacraments are Jesus Christ’s presence in us. So it is important for us to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion. 2013-10-21 - If we are to know the Lord, we must go to him. Listen to him in silence before the tabernacle and approach him in the Sacraments. 2013-08-07 - Genom att komma bland oss gjorde sig Jesus närvarande och han rörde oss: även idag, genom Sakramenten, rör Han oss. 2013-04-24 - Låt oss hålla vår tro levande genom bönen och genom sakramenten: låt oss vara vaksamma så att vi inte glömmer Gud. |
Katekes | |||||
Åbning av Barmhärtighetens År | Predikan | 2015-12-08 | nnnnbnbv | ||
Varför ett barmhärtighetens jubelår? | Audiens | 2015-12-09 | |||
Den heliga porten och försoningens sakrament | Audiens | 2015-12-16 | |||
Bön i familjen och glädjen i förlåtelse | Predikan | 2015-12-27 | |||
För att växa i tron skulle vi behöva betrakta Jesusbarnet oftare | Audiens | 2015-12-30 | |||
Påven Franciskus budskap till barnen | Budskap | 2016-01-06 | |||
Guds barmhärtighet genom skrifterna (Youcat 314) | Audiens | 2016-01-13 | |||
Böneveckan för kristen enhet (Youcat 130-131; 450-451) | Audiens | 2016-01-20 | |||
Skrifterna: Gud utvalde Moses till att förmedla Hans barmhärtighet | Audiens | 2016-01-27 | |||
Guds barmhärtighet fullbordar den sanna rättvisan | Audiens | 2016-02-03 | |||
Skrifterna: ”att öppna sig modigt för att dela, och detta är barmhärtighet!” (Youcat 448-449) | Audiens | 2016-02-10 | |||
Skrifterna: ”Rikedom och makt för att tjäna de fattiga och alla, med rättvisa och nästankärlek” (Youcat 465-468) | Audiens | 2016-02-24 | |||
Familjefadern: Gud älskar sina barn, hjälper dem och tillrättavisar dem när de gör fel, för att hjälpa dem att växa i det goda.” (Youcat 515-516) | Audiens | 2016-03-02 | |||
Skrifterna: : Jeremias bok (kapitel 30 och 31): Guds barmhärtighet och tröst | Audiens | 2016-03-16 | |||
Påskens tre heliga dagar under det extraordinära Barmhärtighetens Jubelår | Audiens | 2016-03-23 | |||
Skrifterna: Psalm 51 - Miserere (Youcat 229) | Audiens | 2016-03-30 | |||
Evangelierna: Jesus är barmhärtigheten! | Audiens | 2016-04-06 | |||
Matteusevangeliet: “Ty jag vill se barmhärtighet, inte slaktoffer, kunskap om Gud hellre än brännoffer” (Matt 9:13) | Audiens | 2016-04-13 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Farisén Simon och tårar av synderskan (Luk 7:36-50) | Audiens | 2016-04-20 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Liknelsen om den barmhärtige samariten (Luk 10:30-37) | Audiens | 2016-04-27 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Liknelsen om det borttappade fåret (Luk 15:1-7) | Audiens | 2016-05-04 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Liknelsen om den barmhärtige fadern (Luk 15:11-32) - Youcat 229 | Audiens | 2016-05-11 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Liknelsen om den rike mannen och Lasarus (Luk 16:19-31) | Audiens | 2016-05-18 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Liknelsen om änkan och den orättfärdige domaren (Luk 18:1-8) - Youcat 469-478; 510 | Audiens | 2016-05-25 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Liknelsen om farisén och tullindrivaren: ”Gud, var nådig mot mig syndare.” (Luk 18:9-14) - Youcat 229 | Audiens | 2016-06-01 | |||
Johannesevangeliet: Bröllopsfesten i Kana (Joh 2:1-11) - Youcat 127 | Audiens | 2016-06-08 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Jesus helade en blind man på sin väg till Jeriko (Luk 18:35-43) - Youcat 280; 448-451 | Audiens | 2016-06-15 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: En spetälsk blir ren: ”Herre, vill du, så kan du göra mig ren.” (Luk 5:12-14) - Youcat 463: 503 | Audiens | 2016-06-22 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: En änkas son uppväcks i Nain: ”Jag säger dig: Stig upp!” (Luk 7:11-17) | Audiens | 2016-08-10 | |||
Matteusevangeliet: Mat åt fem tusen: ”Jesus fylldes av medlidande med dem och botade dem som var sjuka.” (Matt 14:13-21) | Audiens | 2016-08-17 | |||
Andliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: Att be för levande och döda och för förföljare: ”Jag inbjuder dig att be med mig en del av Rosenkransen, Smärtans Rosenkrans”, Påven Franciskus - Youcat 481; 450-451 | Audiens | 2016-08-24 | |||
Matteusevangeliet: En kvinna som hade lidit av blödningar i tolv år: ”Var inte orolig, min dotter. Din tro har hjälpt dig.” (Matt 9:20-22) | Audiens | 2016-08-31 | |||
Moder Teresa av Calcutta helgonförklarades
på Petersplatsen Let us imitate Mother Teresa who made works of mercy the guide of her life and the path towards holiness. @Pontifex: 09/03/2016 |
Predikan | 2016-09-04 |
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Matteusevangeliet: Johannes döparens frågor och Jesu svar: ”Gå och berätta för Johannes vad ni hör och ser.” (Matt 11:2-6) | Audiens | 2016-09-07 | |||
Matteusevangeliet: “Kom till mig, alla ni som är tyngda av bördor; jag skall skänka er vila. Ta på er mitt ok och lär av mig, som har ett milt och ödmjukt hjärta, så skall ni finna vila för er själ” (Matt 11:28-30) | Audiens | 2016-09-14 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: "Var barmhärtiga, så som er fader är barmhärtig": (Luk 6:36-38) | Audiens | 2016-09-21 | |||
Lukasevangeliet: Jesus svarade: ”Sannerligen, redan i dag skall du vara med mig i paradiset.” (Luk 23:39-43) | Audiens | 2016-09-28 | |||
Matteusevangeliet: Kroppsliga och andliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: ’Sannerligen, vad ni har gjort för någon av dessa minsta som är mina bröder, det har ni gjort för mig.’ (Matt 25:31-40) - Youcat n. 450-451 | Audiens | 2016-10-12 | |||
Kroppsliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: Ge mat åt hungrande och dryck åt törstiga (Matt 25:31-40) - Youcat n. 450 | Audiens | 2016-10-19 | |||
Kroppsliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: Ge de bostadslösa tak över huvudet, klä de nakna (Matt 25:31-40) - Youcat n. 450 | Audiens | 2016-10-26 | |||
Kroppsliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: Besöka sjuka och fängslade (Matt 25:31-40) - Youcat n. 450 | Audiens | 2016-11-09 | |||
Andliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: Ha tålamod med besvärliga människor, att tillrättavisa syndare och att undervisa okunninga (Luk 6:41-42) - Youcat n. 451 | Audiens | 2016-11-16 | |||
Påven Franciskus avslutade Barmhärtighetens jubelår - full text läs mer här | Predikan | 2016-11-20 | |||
Andliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: Att råda tveksamma och att undervisa okunniga (Luk 10:21-22) - Youcat n. 451 | Audiens | 2016-11-23 | |||
Andliga barmhärtighetsgärningar: Att be för levande och döda och att begrava de döda - Youcat n. 451 | Audiens | 2016-11-30 | |||
Botens och försoningens sakrament | |||||
(Youcat 224-239 ; 524) | |||||
”Låt oss gå till rätta med
varandra, säger Herren. När era synder är scharlakansröda, kan de då bli vita som snö? När de är röda som purpur, kan de då bli vita som ull?” (Jes 1:18) |
Försoningen är ett sakrament för att hela min själ. (Katekes: 2014-02-19 // Youcat 224-239) Läs mer hâr >> | Lire | ||||
Credo: Jag bekänner ett dop till syndernas förlåtelse (Katekes: 2013-11-23 // Youcat 224-239) Läs mer här >> | |||||
Från dagboken av den Heliga syster Faustina | |||||
„My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy." (Diary n. 699) |
„Write, speak of My mercy. Tell souls where they are to look for solace, that is, in the Tribunal of Mercy [the Sacrament of Reconciliation]. There the greatest miracles take place [and] are incessantly repeated. To avail oneself of this miracle, it is not necessary to go on a great pilgrimage, or to carry out some external ceremony; it suffices to come with faith to the feet of My representative and to reveal to Him one's misery, and the miracle of Divine Mercy will be fully demonstrated. Were souls like a decaying corpse so that from a human standpoint there would be no [hope of] restoration and everything would already be lost, it is not so with God. The miracle of Divine Mercy restores that soul in full." (Dagbog nr. 1448) |
Daughter, when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it. Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself entirely in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy. Tell souls that from this fount of mercy souls draw graces solely with the vessel of trust. If their trust is great, there is no limit to My generosity. The torrents of grace inundate humble souls." (Diary n.1602) |