09/12/2029 - Dear young people, once more, I invite you to take part in the great pilgrimage of young people that will culminate in World Youth Day in Lisbon, August 2023. In preparation, on 20 November we will celebrate World Youth Day in local Churches throughout the world. #laityfamilylife
11/21/2021 - Dear young friends! Be free and authentic, be the critical conscience of society. Be passionate about truth, so that, with your dreams, you can say: “My life is not captive to the mindset of the world: I am free, because I reign with Jesus for justice, love and peace!” #WYD 11/19/2021 - Dear young people, if our world is to arise, it needs your strength, your enthusiasm, your passion! https://vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/youth/documents/papa-francesco_20210914_messaggio-giovani_2021.html 10/02/2021 - To you, young people, I once again entrust the task of placing fraternity at the centre of the economy. Now as never before we feel the need for young people who, through study and practice, know how to demonstrate that a different economy exists. #EoF2021 09/29/2021 - Dear young people, I would like to thank you for your dreams and good projects, and for the fact that you are as concerned about human relations as you are about caring for the environment. Thank you. It is a concern that is good for everyone. #Youth4Climate 09/27/2021 - Dear young people, once again I would like to take you by the hand and walk with you on the spiritual pilgrimage that leads to the 2023 World Youth Day in Lisbon. #WYD2023 https://vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/youth/documents/papa-francesco_20210914_messaggio-giovani_2021.html 11/22/2020 - Dear young people, let us not give up on great dreams. The Lord does not want us to narrow our horizons or to remain parked on the roadside of life. He wants us to race boldly and joyfully towards lofty goals. #takeupthecross 11/22/2020 - Today, #ChristTheKing Sunday, the Cross and the icon of Mary, Salus Populi Romani, symbols of World Youth Days, begins a new pilgrimage which will lead to Lisbon in 2023. #takeupthecross 11/21/2020 - Dear young people, the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally. Therefore, you can’t remain outside the places that are shaping the present and future. You’re either part of them or history will pass you by. #FrancescoEconomy http://vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/pont-messages/2020/documents/papa-francesco_20201121_videomessaggio-economy-of-francesco.html 06/20/2019 - Dear young people, I would like to tell each one of you: God loves you; never doubt it, whatever happens to you in life; under any circumstances, you are infinitely loved. 04/14/2019 - Today, World Youth Day, I would like to mention all those young saints, especially the saints “next door” to us, known only to God; sometimes he likes to surprise us with them. #DiocesanWYD 04/02/2019 - If you are young in years, but feel weak, weary or disillusioned, ask Jesus to renew you. With him, hope never fails. #ChristusVivit 04/02/2019 - Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world. #ChristusVivit 01/27/2019 - I thank God for having given us the opportunity to share these days together and to experience once more this World Youth Day. My thanks go to all those who have supported us with their prayers, and who have helped by their efforts and hard work! #Panama2019 01/27/2019 - Go forth and bear witness to what you have seen and heard, not with lots of words but with simple, daily actions. I don’t know if I’ll be present at the next WYD, but Peter will certainly be there, and he will confirm you in the faith. #Panama2019 01/27/2019 - Here in Panama, I have thought a lot about the Venezuelan people, to whom I feel particularly united in these days. In the face of the serious ongoing situation, I ask you to pray that a just and peaceful solution may be reached. 01/27/2019 - To you, dear young people, a big “thank you” for #Panama2019. Keep walking. Keep living the faith and sharing it. See you in Lisbon in 2022! 01/27/2019 - Only what is loved can be saved. Only what is embraced can be transformed. #Panama2019 01/27/2019 - With her “yes”, Mary became the most influential woman in history. Without social networks, she became the first “influencer”: the “influencer” of God. #Panama2019 01/26/2019 - Let us not quench our thirst with just any water but with the “spring of water welling up to eternal life”. #Panama2019 01/25/2019 - Friends, Jesus teaches us to believe. Seek out and listen to the voices that encourage you to look ahead, not those that pull you down. #Panama2019 01/24/2019 - In this WYD #Panama2019 I invite you to pray all together the Holy Rosary for Peace through @clicktoprayapp 01/24/2019 - What prompts us to encounter each other in this WYD? The certainty of knowing that we have been loved with a profound love that we neither can nor want to keep quiet about a love that challenges us to respond in the same way: with love. #Panama2019 10/28/2018 - To all of you who have taken part in this “journey together”, I say “thank you”. May the Lord bless our steps, so that we can listen to young people, be their neighbours, and bear witness before them to Jesus, the joy of our lives. #Synod2018 http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2018/documents/papa-francesco_20181028_omelia-chiusura-sinodo.html - @Pontifex: 10/28/2018 10/28/2018 - I would like to say to the young people: forgive us if often we have not listened to you, if, instead of opening our hearts, we have filled your ears. #Synod2018 http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2018/documents/papa-francesco_20181028_omelia-chiusura-sinodo.html 10/04/2018 - In a decisive moment of his youth, Saint Francis of Assisi read the Gospel. Still today the Gospel lets you know the living Jesus, it speaks to your heart and it changes your life. 06/21/2018 - Dear young people, help us adults whose hearts are often hardened. Help us to choose the path of dialogue and harmony. 03/25/2018 - Dear young people, never get tired of being instruments of peace and joy among your peers! 03/18/2018 - As we listen to the aspirations of young people, may we catch a glimpse of the world that lies ahead, and of the roads the Church is called to travel. #Synod2018 09/07/2017 - Dear young people, do not be afraid of the future! Dare to dream big! Keep joy alive, a sign of a young heart that has encountered the Lord. 08/12/2017 - Dear young people, you are the hope of the Church. Do you dream about your future? Then take part in #synod18! http://goo.gl/WghUvl 07/02/2017 - How beautiful it is to see when young people are “street preachers”, joyfully bringing Jesus to every street and every corner of the earth! 05/01/2017 - May Saint Joseph give young people the ability to dream, to take risks for big tasks, the things that God dreams for us. 04/08/2017 - Dear young friends, don’t be afraid to say “yes” to Jesus with all your heart, to respond generously and to follow him! 07/31/2016 - A huge “thank you”, dear young people! St John Paul II rejoiced in Heaven, and will help you bring the joy of the Gospel wherever you go. 07/31/2016 - Jesus speaks to you every day. Let His Gospel become yours and let Him be your “navigator” on life’s journey! 07/31/2016 - God counts on you for who you are, not for what you have. You are valuable in His eyes and your value is priceless. 07/31/2016 - God love us as we are: no sin, fault or mistake can make Him change His mind. 07/30/2016 - Jesus is calling you to leave your mark on life: one that transforms your own life and the lives of others. 07/30/2016 - God is inviting you to dream: He wants to show you that you can make the world a different place. 07/30/2016 - We have come into the world in order to leave a mark. 07/30/2016 - Jesus seeks hearts that are open and tender toward the weak; hearts that are not hard, but docile and transparent. 07/30/2016 - Jesus wants truly consecrated hearts that live by His forgiveness and share it compassionately with their brothers and sisters. 07/30/2016 - "I desire mercy, not sacrifice". Francis. Sanctuary of Divine Mercy. 07/29/2016 - Dear young people, this evening the Lord renews His invitation to take the lead in serving others. 07/29/2016 - Let us embrace the Cross. Jesus embraces the nakedness, hunger, thirst, loneliness, suffering and death of all men and women of all time. 07/29/2016 - Anyone who performs works of mercy is not afraid of death. 07/29/2016 - How I wish that we, as Christians, could be close to the sick the same way Jesus was: in silence, with a caress and in prayer. 07/28/2016 - Jesus Christ encourages us to lift up our eyes and to dream lofty dreams. During these days of the WYD, Jesus wants to enter our homes. 07/28/2016 - A merciful heart has the courage to leave comforts behind and to encounter others, embracing everyone. 07/28/2016 - The Lord loves to participate in the events of our daily lives and to walk with us. 07/28/2016 - The Lord is amongst us and takes care of us, without deciding for us. 07/27/2016 - Let's live WYD in Krakow together! 07/26/2016 - Dear young people, stay united in prayer so that this WYD may be rich with spiritual fruits. See you tomorrow! 07/25/2016 - Dear young people, let us offer the world a mosaic of many races, cultures and peoples united in the name of Jesus! 07/25/2016 - Dear young people, I bless your journey towards Krakow: may it be a pilgrimage of faith and fraternity. 04/24/2016 - Dear Young People, with the grace of God you can become authentic and courageous Christians, witnesses to love and peace. 04/23/2016 - Dear Young Friends, your names are written in heaven in the merciful heart of the Father. Be brave and go against the tide! 10/16/2015 - Dear young people, do not be afraid to give your all. Christ will never disappoint you. 10/08/2015 - Dear young people, ask the Lord for a free heart so as not to be ensnared by the false pleasures of the world. 07/28/2015 - Dear young people, do not be afraid of marriage: Christ accompanies with his grace all spouses who remain united to him. 10/10/2014 - Dear young people, Christ is counting on you to be his friends and witnesses to his infinite love. 09/18/2014 - Dear young people, listen within: Christ is knocking at the door of your heart. 08/15/2014 - Dear young people, Christ asks you to be wide awake and alert, to see the things in life that really matter. 08/15/2014 - 친애하는 젊은이들에게, 예수님은 저희에게 우리 삶에서 정말 중요한 것들을 놓치지 않고 볼 수 있도록 항상 각성하고 깨어 있으라고 하셨습니다 08/14/2014 - Saint John Paul II, pray for us and especially for our youth. 07/15/2014 - Dear young people, do not be mediocre; the Christian life challenges us with great ideals. 07/03/2014 - Dear young people, do not give up your dreams of a more just world! 02/14/2014 - Dear young people, don’t be afraid to marry. A faithful and fruitful marriage will bring you happiness. 02/04/2014 - Dear young people, Jesus gives us life, life in abundance. If we are close to him we will have joy in our hearts and a smile on our face. 01/27/2014 - Dear young people, let us not be satisfied with a mediocre life. Be amazed by what is true and beautiful, what is of God! 01/04/2014 - Dear young people, Jesus wants to be your friend, and wants you to spread the joy of this friendship everywhere. 12/07/2013 - Dear young people, put your talents at the service of the Gospel, with creativity and boundless charity. 11/15/2013 - Dear young people, always be missionaries of the Gospel, every day and in every place. 10/14/2013 - Dear young people, do not be afraid of making decisive choices in life. Have faith; the Lord will not abandon you! 10/05/2013 - Dear young people, you have many plans and dreams for the future. But, is Christ at the center of each of your plans and dreams? 09/06/2013 - Dear young people, pray with me for peace in the world. 07/31/2013 - Dear young friends, it is worth wagering one’s life on Christ and on the Gospel, risking everything for great ideals! 05/28/2013 - Dear young people, the Church expects great things of you and your generosity. Don’t be afraid to aim high. 04/26/2013 - Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things! |
Hem Aktuellt | ||||
![]() Påve Franciskus och ungdomar |
![]() Salige Carlo Acutis Skytshelgen för Internet --> Beatification in Assisi --> Eukar. Tillbedjan Live |
![]() 38. VUD 2023-2024 ’“Glädje i hoppet” (jfr Rom 12:12) |
![]() XXXIV. WJT PANAMA 2019 --> #WYDPANAMA --> Pope's January prayer intention (video) For youth to follow Mary's example |
His own website The eucharistic miracles of the world |
2023 ’Maria skyndade sig iväg’ (jfr Luk 1:39) Message of pope Francis --> WYD 2023- Podcasts --> Lâs mer här |
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Videos -> Blessed Carlo Acutis -> The Tech Teen who found Jesus -> Song Non io ma Dio - Carlo Acutis |
Mladifest - 34th Youth Festival |
The Chosen --> Google Play App --> App Store --> The Chosen TV |
![]() Sveriges Unga Katoliker |
![]() CHRISTUS VIVIT! - CHRISTUS LEVER! Synod om ungdomar 2018 |
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@Pontifex | ||||
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Världsungdomsdagen | ||||
VUD 2021:
upp och stå på dina ben! Jag utser dig till vittne om vad du har
sett” (jfr Apg 26:16)
(Påvens budskap till 36:e
Världsungdomsdagen på stiftsnivå, Vatican-City: 11/21/2021) Video |
WYD 2020:
are created to make God’s dreams come true”
(Saint Peter’s Basilica for the Solemnity of Christ the King, Vatican-City: 11/22/2020) Full Text |
WYD 2020:
Pope to young economists: either you
are involved or history will pass over you
(Pope Francis sends a videomessage to young economists and entrepreneurs, Vatican-City: 11/21/2020) |
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VUD 2019 i Panama:
”Guds ”idag” uppenbarar sig i Jesu
närvaro, hans kropp, hans ansikte.
(Påven Franciskus mässa på "Campo San Juan Pablo II – Metro Park", Panama-City: 2019-01-27) |
VUD 2019 i Panama:
Jungfru Maria blev sin tids
”influencer”, ”som kvinnan som har haft mest inflytande i historien”
(VUD:s vaka på fältet tillägnat Johannes Paulus II. ("Campo San Juan Pablo II) – Metro Park", Panama-City: 2019-01-26) |
VUD 2019 i Panama:
"Stå vid korset som Jungfru Maria.”
(Via Crucis: Jesu korsväg i Campo Santa Maria la Antigua – Cinta Costera", Panama-City: 2019-01-25) |
VUD 2019 i Panama: “Kyrkan är inte cool, Kyrkan är kärlek” (Invigningsceremonin med påven Franciskus - Campo Santa Maria la Antigua – Cinta Costera", Panama-City: 2019-01-24) | ||
Det 34:a Världsungdomsdagen 2019 (Panama): Påven Franciskus videobudskap "Jag är Herrens tjänarinna. Må det ske med mig som du har sagt." (Luk 1:38) | Det 33:a Världsungdomsdagen 2018: "Var inte rädd, Maria, du har funnit nåd hos Gud" (Luk 1:30) (2018-03-25) | Det 32:a Världsungdomsdagen 2017: "stora ting låter den Mäktige ske med mig” (Luk 1:49) (2017-04-09) | ||
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VUD Kraków 2016: “Saint John Paul II has rejoiced from heaven, and he will help you spread the joy of the Gospel everywhere.” - (Angelus for World Youth Day - Campus Misericordiae, Kraków: 2016-07-31)) | |||
VUD Kraków 2016:
“Come down, for I must stay with you
today. Open to me the door of your heart”
(Lk 19:1-10) -
(Holy Mass for World Youth Day - Campus Misericordiae, Kraków: 2016-07-31) |
VUD Kraków 2016:
"Today’s world demands that you be
a protagonist of history.”
(Prayer Vigil with the Young People of WYD - Campus Misericordiae, Kraków: 2016-07-30) |
VUD Kraków 2016:
“The Lord once more asks you to be in
the forefront of serving others.”
(Way of the Cross with the Young People of WYD - Jordan Park, Błonia, Kraków: 2016-07-29) |
WYD Kraków 2016: "The Father’s Mercy has an ever-youthful face" (Welcoming Ceremony by the Young People of WYD - Jordan Park, Błonia, Kraków: 2016-07-28) |
”Saliga de renhjärtade, de skall se Gud." (Matt 5:8)
Påvens budskap till VUD 2015: 2015-03-29
YOUCAT 283 |
”Saliga de som är fattiga i
anden, dem tillhör himmelriket." (Matt 5:3)
Påvens budskap till VUD 2014: 2014-04-13 YOUCAT 283 |
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VUD Rio 2013: “Gå därför ut och gör alla folk till
lärjungar!” ( Matt 28:19)
Katekes: 2013-09-04 Proposition 51 of the Synod) |
Now, young friends, we must continue to live day by day all
that we have professed together at WYD. (@Pontifex: 2013-07-30) |
We need to model our lives on the life
of Jesus, so as to share his sentiments and his thoughts (@Pontifex & homily: 2013-07-28) |
Dear young friends, learn to pray every day: this is the way to know Jesus and invite him into your lives. (@Pontifex & message: 2013-07-27) |
Every Friday is an opportunity to
remember how much Jesus has suffered for us. Lord, never let us
forget how much you love us.
(@Pontifex & message: 2013-07-26) |
Unga vänner, glöm aldrig detta:
Jungfru Maria är vår Mor och med hennes hjälp kan vi förbli Kristus
(@Pontifex och predikan: 2013-07-24) |
Låt oss tacka Johannes Paulus II för Världsungdomsdagen och
för alla kallelser som har fötts under dessa 28 möten. (@Pontifex: 2013-07-24) |
The Church is young, as everyone can see at WYD. May the Lord always keep us all young at heart. (@Pontifex: 2013-07-23) | ||
How many wish to be in Rio for WYD but can’t! May they feel
at one with us in prayer. (@Pontifex: 2013-07-21) |
Trons År: Dag för ungdom i förberedelse av Världsungdomsdagen i Rio (Angelus: 2013-03-24) |
Trons År: Dag för ungdom i förberedelse
av Världsungdomsdagen i Rio
(Predikan: 2013-03-24) |
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Mission | ||||
Pope Francis: “aim high in life”
Meeting with the young people in Hungary on 04/29/2023 |
‘Hope overcomes misery, oppression’
Pope Francis - Meeting with the young people in Rom 2018-08-14 |
“Give God glory in everything!”
Pope Francis - Meeting with Altar Servers 2018-07-31 - Read more Video |
Password: “What would Jesus do in my place?” Meeting with the young people in in the Shrine of Maipù, Santiago (Chile) - 2018-01-17 - Video | “Vi kristna finner detta hopp i det personlig mötet med Jesus i bönen och sakramenten och i konkreta möten med Honom” (Meeting with the young people in Notre Dame College (Dhaka, Bangladesh - 2017-12-02) - Läs mer här |
“Vilken er kallelse än är ber jag er:
var modiga, var generösa och var framförallt glada!”
(Holy Mass with Pope Francis St Mary’s Cathedral (Yangon, Myanmar) - 2017-11-30) - Läs mer här |
Greeting to the Colombian Young
People: “Help us to heal our hearts”
(Balcony of the Cardinal's Palace (Bogotá, Colombia) - Address of Pope Francis - 2017-09-07) |
Jubilee for Boys and Girls:
The Lord will guide your hearts to “love
without being possessive”, because love is a free gift which calls
for an open heart (Jubilee of divine Mercy - Homily of Pope Francis - 04/24/2016) |
Value: the worth that God has given you, hope and dignity (Meeting with the young people in “José María Morelos y Pavón” Stadium, Morelia (Mexico) - 2016-02-16) | ||
Påvens ord inför barnens jubelår
(Påven Franciskus budskap till barnen under jubelåret - 2016-01-06) |
Prayer, Peace, forgiveness and
(Meeting with the young people at athedral Square, Bangui (Central African Republic) - 2015-11-29) |
To struggle against evil in the society:
Prayer to Jesus and Mary (Meeting with the young people at Kololo Air Strip, Kampala (Uganda) - 2015-11-28) |
The prayer of the Rosary and the Crossway to struggle against evil (Meeting with the young people at Kasarani Stadium, Nairobi (Kenya) - 2015-11-27) |
Three ideas to keep our hope alive.
(Meeting with the students, "Fr. Félix Varela Cultural Center", Havana, Cuba: 2015-09-15) |
Lord Jesus, give us strength. Give us a free heart. Give us hope. Give us love and teach us how to serve. Amen. (Meeting with the young people in Asunsión, Paraguay: 2015-04-12) | ||
Love is concrete: it resides in the
gestures, he communicates and is chaste
(Meeting with the young people in Turin / Italy - 2015-06-21) |
Ansvarsfull inställning till de nya
medierna och till vår nästa.
(Möta med ungdomar i Sarajevo / Bosnien och Hercegovina; 2015-06-06) |
Challenges to learn to weep and to love, and to serve the poor. (Meeting with the young people in Manila / Philippines - 2015-01-18 // 1 Tim 4:12-16 & Mk 10:17-22) | ||
Unga vänner, glöm aldrig detta:
Jungfru Maria är vår Mor och med hennes hjälp kan vi förbli Kristus
trogna. (@Pontifex och predikan: 2013-07-24) |
The glory of the martyrs shines upon
you! (Closing mass for the sixth Asian youth Day - 2014-08-17) |
Lord what do you want from me?
(Meeting with the Asian Youth - 15.08.2014) |
Dear young people, do not give up your dreams of a more just world! (speech: 2014-07-05) | To engaged couples preparing for marriage (International meeting on February 14, 2014) | Meeting with young people in Assisi. Vocations: marriage... (Speech: 2013-10-04) | ||
Meeting with young people at the
conclusion of the event "Cast your nets" in Largo Carlo Felice
(Speech: 2013-09-22) |
Kära ungdomar, var riktiga ’Kristi atleter’! Spela i Hans
lag! (@Pontifex: 2013-07-28) |
There is no cross, big or small, in our life which the Lord
does not share with us. (@Pontifex: 2013-07-26) |
Christian life is not limited to prayer, but requires an ongoing
dedication and courage born of prayer.
(@Pontifex & message: 2013-07-25) |
Dear young friends, Christ has confidence in you and he entrusts his own mission to you: Go and make disciples! (2013-07-23) |
Kära ungdomar, lär er av den helige Josef som hade svåra
stunder, men som aldrig förlorade tilltron, och lyckades övervinna
dem. (@Pontifex: 2013-05-01) |
dream of great things
(Dialogue and catechesis: 2013-04-24) |
Kvinnornas roll och ungdom mission
Katekes: 2013-04-03 YOUCAT 105-108) |
Startorsdag: Ungdomfängelse "Casal del Marmo" i Rom (Predikan: 2013-03-28) | ||