”Böneskola” | ||
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23/03-2020 - The first requirement for prayer is faith, the second is perseverance, and the third is courage. In these days when we need to pray more, let us ask ourselves if we pray like this. The Lord never deludes! He makes us wait, but He never deludes. 2019-12-06 - Prayer is the door of faith; prayer is medicine for the heart. 2019-11-24 - I ask you to join in praying each day for the conversion of hearts and for the triumph of a culture of life, reconciliation and fraternity. #EndNuclearWeapons #Nagasaki #ApostolicJourney 2019-11-22 - Without prayer, our life and mission loses all its meaning, strength and fervor. #ApostolicJourney 2019-11-09 - Prayer always arouses feelings of fraternity, it breaks down barriers, crosses borders, creates invisible but real and effective bridges, and opens horizons of hope. 2019-10-28 - In these last days of October, I invite you to pray the #HolyRosary for the mission of the Church today, especially for men and women missionaries who encounter the greatest difficulties. #MissionaryOctober 2019-10-12 - Let us pray for our communities, that by giving witness to the joy of Christian life, they may see a flowering of the call to holiness. 2019-09-16 - St Paul asks us to pray "for all in authority" (1 Tim 2:2). We must learn to do this, even for politicians with whom we disagree. Christians must pray for all people in government, that they may work for the common good. #SantaMarta 2019-09-02 - Creation, a place of encounter with the Lord and one another, is “God’s own social network”, which inspires us to raise a song of cosmic praise to the Creator. 2019-09-01 - Now is the time to rediscover our vocation as children of God, brothers and sisters, and stewards of creation. In this #SeasonOfCreation, I invite everyone to dedicate themselves to prayer. 2019-07-28 - In today's Gospel, Jesus invites us to experience prayer, putting us in direct communication with the Father. This is the novelty of Christian prayer! It is a dialogue between people who love one another, a dialogue based on trust. 2019-06-28 - Pray for all Priests and for my Petrine Ministry, that every pastoral action may be sealed with the love that Christ has for every person. #SanctificationOfPriests 2019-06-26 - How many times, in prayer, do we limit ourselves to asking for gifts and listing requests, forgetting that the first thing we should do is praise God’s name, adore Him, and then go on to acknowledge His living image in our brothers and sisters. 2019-04-04 - When we pray, let us recall that we do so with Jesus. Jesus is our courage. Jesus is our security, who in this moment intercedes for us. #SantaMarta 2019-04-03 - Through prayer we learn to renounce the idolatry and self-sufficiency of our ego, and to admit we need the Lord and His mercy. #Lent 2019-03-25 - Today we remember in prayer the victims of modern forms of #slavery. Their suffering impels us to fight against these inhuman scourges. #RememberSlavery 2019-03-04 - Prayer gives consistency and vitality to everything we do 2019-03-01 - In order to pray well, we need to have the heart of a child. 2019-02-06 - This Visit to the United Arab Emirates belongs to the "surprises" of God. So let us praise Him and His providence, and pray that the seeds sown may bring forth fruits of peace. #ApostolicJourney #UAE 2019-02-04 - Prayer purifies the heart from turning in on itself. Prayer of the heart restores fraternity. #UAE #ApostolicJourney 2019-01-19 - Prayer from a humble heart is heard by God. 2019-01-18 - Today marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: all of us are asked to implore from God this great gift. 2019-01-11 - The first step in prayer is to be humble, go to the Father and say: “Look at me, I am a sinner.” And the Lord listens. 2018-12-13 - Even when we pray alone, we pray together with all the people of God. 2018-11-15 - "The Kingdom of God is in your midst." It is not spectacular. It grows in silence, in hiding, through witness, prayer, and the attraction of the Spirit. #SantaMarta 2018-11-12 - Let us pray today for bishops so that they may always be what Saint Paul calls them to be: humble, gentle, servants. #SantaMarta 2018-11-07 - Praying means knocking at the door of a friend. God is our friend. 2018-11-06 - Let us commit ourselves with prayer and action to distance our hearts, our words and our deeds from all violence in order to take care of our common home. 2018-10-11 - Praying is not like using a magic wand. Prayer requires commitment, constancy and determination. #SantaMarta 2018-10-09 - Spend time before the Lord in contemplation, and do everything possible for the Lord at the service of others. Contemplation and service: this is our path of life. #SantaMarta 2018-08-29 - To pray is the first missionary task of every Christian. It is also the most effective. 2018-07-31 - Before helping others, we need to have a personal encounter with God: we need time to pray and to listen to His Word. 2018-07-24 - Prayer is never in vain: it always brings forth something new that, sooner or later, bears fruit. 2018-06-13 - Never tire of encountering Jesus in prayer, in listening to the Word of God, and in receiving the Eucharist. 2018-06-08 - Let us ask the Lord to give us good priests: hardworking men, men of prayer, who are close to God’s people. 2018-06-02 - Seek the Lord in prayer: He is the one who has called you. 2018-05-02 - Praying means being with God, experiencing God, loving God. 2018-04-12 - Saints are distinguished by a spirit of prayer and a need for communion with God. There is no holiness without prayer. #Holiness 2018-03-10 - If we dedicate more time to prayer, our hearts will reveal the lies with which we deceive ourselves, and we will find true consolation in God. 2018-03-09 - With so much to do, we often neglect what is really important: our spiritual lives, and our relationship with God. So let's stop and take time to pray! 2018-01-29 - Through prayer we can enter into a stable relationship with God, the source of true joy. 2018-01-25 - Prayer allows us to see one another the way God our Father sees us, and to realize that we are brothers and sisters. 2018-01-23 - Prayer that purifies, strengthens and illuminates our path is like fuel for our journey towards full Christian unity. 2018-01-09 - A joyful soul is like healthy soil in which life can thrive and produce good fruit. 2018-01-08 - Joy, prayer and gratitude are three ways that help us live authentically. 2017-12-28 - Today we pray for all the children who are not allowed to be born, who cry with hunger, who hold weapons in their hands instead of toys. 2017-12-26 - Today we want to remember all those who suffer persecution. We want to be close to them with our affection and our prayers. 2017-12-19 - Go out to meet Jesus, spend time with Him in prayer, and entrust your whole life to His merciful love. 2017-11-18 - Without the support of the prayers of the faithful, the Successor of Peter cannot fulfill his mission in the world. I am counting on you too!. 2017-11-11 - Let us remember in our prayers all those who, with dedication and spirit of sacrifice, care for those who are ill. 2017-11-03 - When we pray, we need to have the courage of faith. Have trust that the Lord hears us! 2017-10-30 - Learn from wonder; nurture astonishment. Live, love, believe. And, with the grace of God, never despair. 2017-10-29 - I invite you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ in order to learn from Him how to love with all your heart. 2017-10-28 - Remember the sufferings of every person in your heart. Then bring them all to God in your prayers. 2017-10-23 - Jesus gave us the light which shines in the darkness. Defend and protect this light: it is the greatest treasure entrusted to you. 2017-10-20 - Let us bring the flame of Christ’s love to humanity which needs true happiness and peace so much. 2017-10-07 - The Rosary is a synthesis of the mysteries of Christ: we contemplate them with Mary, who allows us to see with her eyes of faith and love. 2017-10-03 - Only in the silence of prayer can you learn to listen to the voice of God. 2017-06-14 - There is much need of prayer and penitence to implore the grace of conversion and an end to the many wars throughout the world. 2017-03-30 - Prayer is powerful. Prayer conquers evil. Prayer brings peace. 2017-03-14 - Let us pray for one another so that we may open our doors to the weak and poor. 2017-02-28 - Prayer is the key that opens God’s merciful heart. 2017-02-26 - I invite you to persevere in prayer, so that Jesus’ wish may be fulfilled: “that they may all be one”. 2017-02-03 - Let us never forget to pray for each another. Prayer is our greatest strength. 2017-01-30 - Nothing is impossible if we turn to God in prayer. We can all be builders of peace. 2016-11-21 - Let us remember with gratitude the cloistered and monastic religious who pray for the Church and the world. 2016-10-15 - Today St Teresa of Ávila invites us to pray more in order to be closer to God and to improve our lives. 2016-10-07 - “Rosenkransen är bönen som alltid följer mig i mitt liv. Den är även de enklas och helgonens bön… det är mitt hjärtas bön”. 2016-08-28 - An easy prayer to say every day: “Lord, I am a sinner: come with your mercy”. 2016-08-18 - Never abbandon prayer, even when it seems pointless to pray. 2016-06-17 - In prayer let us experience the compassion of God, full of merciful love. 2016-06-11 - Do not tire of asking in prayer for the Lord’s help especially in difficulty. 2016-02-16 - We learn how to pray, just as we do to walk, speak and listen. If you tell me how you pray, I can tell you how you live. 2015-11-15 - I am happy to pray today with the Lutheran community in Rome. May God bless all who work for dialogue and Christian unity. 2015-02-28 - Jesus intercedes for us each day. Let us pray: Lord, have mercy on me; intercede for me! 2014-12-26 - Let us pray today for all those who are persecuted for their Christian faith. 2014-10-04 - As Jesus told Martha in the Gospel, one thing is necessary: prayer. 2014-08-10 - An appeal to all families: when you say your prayers, remember all those forced from their homes in Iraq. 2014-07-31 - May each family rediscover family prayer, which helps to bring about mutual understanding and forgiveness. 2014-06-28 - To be friends with God means to pray with simplicity, like children talking to their parents. 2014-06-07 - Prayer is all-powerful. Let us use it to bring peace to the Middle East and peace to the world. 2014-06-06 - Peace is a gift of God, but requires our efforts. Let us be people of peace in prayer and deed! 2014-05-19 - The one who listens attentively to the Word of God and truly prays, always asks the Lord: what is your will for me? 2014-05-17 - The month of May, dedicated to Mary, is a fitting time to begin to recite the rosary daily. 2014-04-14 - Stilla Veckan är ett bra tillfälle att bikta sig och återuppta den rätta vägen. 2014-04-01 - Lär era barn att be, och be tillsammans med dem! 2014-03-06 - Let us pray for Christians who are victims of persecution, so that they may know how to respond to evil with good. 2014-02-18 - Vi lär oss av Jesus att be, att förlåta, att så fridens frö och att vara nära de behövande. 2014-02-15 - Let us pray for peace in Africa, especially in the Central African Republic and in South Sudan. 2014-02-13 - Let us pray for seminarians, that they may listen to the voice of the Lord and follow it with courage and joy. 2014-01-28 - Let us pray for Christian unity. There are so many beautiful things which unite us! 2014-01-17 - How powerful prayer is! May we never lose the courage to say: Lord, give us your peace. 2014-01-16 - Let us pray for peace, and let us bring it about, starting in our own homes! 2013-12-26 - Before the Nativity scene, may we pray in a particular way for those suffering persecution for the faith. 2013-12-16 - We cannot resign ourselves to think of a Middle East without Christians. Let us pray every day for peace. 2013-12-13 - Don’t be afraid to go to the Sacrament of Confession, where you will meet Jesus who forgives you. 2013-11-02 - The fight against evil is long and difficult. It is essential to pray constantly and to be patient. 2013-10-17 - Our prayer cannot be reduced to an hour on Sundays. It is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord. 2013-10-10 - The mystery of the Cross, a mystery of love, can only be understood in prayer. Pray and weep, kneeling before the Cross. 2013-10-01 - Do we truly pray? Without an abiding relationship with God, it is difficult to live an authentic and consistent Christian life. 2013-09-20 - Christ is always faithful. Let us pray to be always faithful to him. 2013-09-10 - I thank everyone who participated in the prayer vigil and the fast for peace. 2013-09-01 - "Låt oss be för fred: fred i världen och i våra hjärtan." 2013-07-27 - Dear young friends, learn to pray every day: this is the way to know Jesus and invite him into your lives. 2013-07-25 - The Christian life is not limited to prayer, but requires an ongoing dedication and courage born of prayer. 2013-07-21 - How many wish to be in Rio for WYD but can’t! May they feel at one with us in prayer. 2013-07-16 - I det kristna livet är bönen fundamental, likaså ödmjukheten och kärlekshandlingen till alla: det är vägen till helighet. 2013-07-06 - The Lord speaks to us through the Scriptures and in our prayer. Let us learn to keep silence before him, as we meditate upon the Gospel. 2013-05-12 - Låt oss be för de många kristna i världen som fortfarande lider av förföljelse och våld. Må Gud ger dem trons mod. 2013-05-03 - Det vore fint att i maj månad tillsammans med familjen be rosenkransen. Bönen styrker familjelivet. 2013-04-24 - Låt oss hålla vår tro levande genom bönen och genom sakramenten: låt oss vara vaksamma så att vi inte glömmer Gud. 2013-03-07 - Kära vänner, jag tackar er från hjärtat och ber er att fortsätta att be för mig. |
@Pontifex | ||
"Commitment to prayer demands that
we support one another ... remaining steadfast
in prayer, in order to remain steadfast in faith and testimony." (Canonisations - Homily of Pope Francis: 10/16/2016) |
nyckelord till apostelns liv: bekännelse, förföljelse, bön."
(På apostlarna Petrus och Paulus högtid firade påven Franciskus mässa på Petersplatsen tillsammans med de fem nya kardinalerna, däribland kardinal Anders Arborelius. - Påvens predikan: 2017-06-29) |
Påve Franciskus katekes | ||||
Audiens | Youcat | |||
Bönens mysterium | 06/05-2020 | 469 | ||
#Prayer is the breath of faith. It is like a cry that comes forth from the heart of the believer and is entrusted to God. Faith is having two raised hands and a voice that cries out to implore the gift of salvation. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Den kristnes bön | 13/05-2020 | 470 | ||
Prayer belongs to everyone: to men and women of every religion, and probably even to those who profess no religion. Prayer is born within the secrecy of our being, in that interior place that spiritual writers often call the “heart”. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Skapelsens mysterium | 20/05-2020 | 48 | ||
If the events of life – with all its bitterness – risk suffocating the gift of #Prayer within us, it is enough to contemplate a starry sky, a sunset, or a flower, to reignite the spark of thanksgiving. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
De rättfärdigas bön | 27/05-2020 | 471 | ||
#Prayer liberates us from our instinct toward violence. It is a gaze directed toward God, so that He might take care of the human heart. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Abrahams bön | 03/06-2020 | 21; 471 | ||
Let us learn from Abraham to pray with faith: listening, walking, engaging in dialogue to the point of argument, but always willing to accept God's word and to put it into practice. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Jakobs bön | 10/06-2020 | |||
In our darkest moments, when we sin or are disoriented, we always have an appointment with God. We do not need to be afraid, because God will change our hearts and give us the blessing reserved for those who allow Him to change them. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Förbön Mose: ”broar” mellan Gud och hans folk | 17/06-2020 | 472 | ||
To pray means to intercede for the world, to remember that despite all its frailties, it always belongs to God. #GeneralAudience #Prayer | @Pontifex | |||
Kung Davids bön och psaltarpsalmerna | 24/06-2020 | 473 | ||
#Prayer arises from the conviction that life is not something that takes us by surprise, but a stupefying mystery that inspires in us poetry, music, gratitude, praise, even lament and supplication. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Elijah's prayer | 07/10-2020 | 473 | ||
The proof of #prayer is real love for our neighbour. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Bönen i Psaltaren | 14/10-2020 | 473 | ||
In #Prayer, we place our worries and petitions in the hands of God, and we trust that He will listen, for He knows what we need and will give us what is good for us. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Bönen i psaltaren 2 | 21/10-2020 | 473 | ||
Prayer is the centre of life. If there is prayer, even a brother, a sister, becomes important. Those who adore God, love His children. Those who respect God, respect human beings. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Jesus, en bönens människa | 28/10-2020 | 474 | ||
“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased” (Lk 3:22). This simple phrase enables us to intuit something of the mystery of Jesus and of His heart, always turned to the Father. Jesus gave us His own #Prayer, which is His loving dialogue with the Father. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Jesus som läromästare i bön | 04/11-2020 | 475 | ||
Let us attend the school of Jesus Christ, teacher of #Prayer. May we learn from Him that prayer is primarily listening and encountering God, an art to be practiced with insistence, the place where we perceive that everything comes from God and returns to Him. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Uthållig bön | 11/11-2020 | 476-478 | ||
The one who prays is never alone. In fact, Jesus welcomes us in His prayer so that we might pray in Him and through Him. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel invites us to pray to the Father in Jesus’s name. #Prayer #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Jungfru Maria, den bedjande kvinnan | 18/11-2020 | 479-481 | ||
“Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” (Lk 2:19). Everything that happens to her ends up in her heart so that it might pass through the sieve of #prayer and be transfigured by it. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Den nyfödda kyrkans bön | 25/11-2020 | 482 | ||
When we pray, God opens our eyes renews and changes our hearts, heals our wounds and grants us the grace we need. #GeneralAudience #Prayer | @Pontifex | |||
Välsignelsen | 02/12-2020 | 483-484 | ||
God’s grace changes lives: He takes us as we are, but He never leaves us as we are. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Begärande bön | 09/12-2020 | 485-486 | ||
God listens to the cry of those who invoke Him. Even our reluctant questions, those that remain in the depths of our heart. The Father wishes to give us the Holy Spirit, which inspires every #prayer and transforms everything. It is a question of patience, of supporting the wait. | @Pontifex | |||
Förbön | 16/12-2020 | 487 | ||
#Prayer during the time of #Advent helps us to remember we are not more righteous or better than others, but that we are all sinners who need to be touched by God's mercy. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Tacksägelsebön | 30/12-2020 | 488 | ||
The #prayer of thanksgiving begins by recognizing that we were thought of before we learned how to think; we were loved before we learned how to love. If we view life like this, then “thank you” becomes the driving force of our day. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Lovprisande bön | 13/01-2021 | 489 | ||
In difficult and dark moments let us find the courage to say: "Blessed are you, Lord". Let us praise the Lord: this will be so good for us. #Prayer #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Bön för kristen enhet | 20/01-2021 | 493 | ||
After the Last Supper, Jesus prayed for His own, “that they may all be one” (Jn 17:21). This means that we are not able to achieve unity with our own strength. Above all, unity is a gift, it is a grace to be requested through #prayer. #ChristianUnity | @Pontifex | |||
Att be med bibeln | 27/01-2021 | 491 | ||
The word of God is the antidote to our fear of having to face life. In speaking to us, the Lord reminds us that we are in his heart, that we are precious in his eyes, and that he holds us in the palm of his hand. | @Pontifex | |||
Att be i liturgin | 03/02-2021 | 492 | ||
The Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized through the beauty of the Liturgy.Let us ask the grace of a personal and authentic encounter with the living Christ in the liturgical celebration,so that our lives might become a spiritual sacrifice offered to God.#GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Att be i vardagen | 10/02-2021 | 494 | ||
The person who prays is like someone in love with the beloved in his or her heart wherever they go. So we can pray at any moment, and during what happens every day: on the street, in the office, on public transportation, through words and in the silence of our hearts. #Prayer | @Pontifex | |||
Bönen och treenigheten 1 | 03/03-2021 | 495 | ||
We would not have had the courage to believe in a God who loves humanity, if we had not known Jesus. What kind of God is prepared to die for people? What kind of God loves always and patiently, without demanding to be loved in return? #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Bönen och treenigheten 2 | 17/03-2021 | 496 | ||
The Holy Spirit writes the history of the Church and of the world. We are open books, willing to receive his handwriting. And in each of us the Spirit composes original works, because there is never one Christian who is completely identical to another. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Att be i gemenskap med Maria | 24/03-2021 | 479-481 | ||
Mary was and is present in these days of the pandemic, near to the people who, unfortunately, have concluded their earthly journey all alone, without the comfort of or the closeness of their loved ones. Mary is always there next to us, with her maternal tenderness. | @Pontifex | |||
Att be i gemenskap med helgonen | 07/04-2021 | 497 | ||
The first way to pray for someone is to speak to God about him or her. If we do this frequently, each day, our hearts are not closed, but open to our brothers and sisters. To pray for others is the first way to love them and it moves us toward concretely drawing near. #Prayer | @Pontifex | |||
Kyrkan som läromästare i bön | 14/04-2021 | 494 | ||
The breath of faith is #prayer: we grow in faith inasmuch as we learn to pray. | @Pontifex | |||
Muntlig bön | 21/04-2021 | 500-501 | ||
Let us not abandon the simple prayers we learned in our families as children that we preserve in our memories and hearts. They are sure ways to access the Father's heart. #Prayer #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Den kristna meditationen | 28/04-2021 | 504 | ||
There is no page of the Gospel on which there is no place for us. For us Christians, meditating is a way of coming into contact with Jesus. And in this way, only in this way, can we discover ourselves. #Prayer #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Kontemplationen renar hjärtat | 05/05-2021 | 502 | ||
Loving contemplation, typical of the most intimate #prayer, does not need many words. A gaze is enough. It is enough to be convinced that our life is surrounded by an immense and faithful love that nothing can ever separate us from. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Att strida i bönen | 12/05-2021 | 505 | ||
Praying is not easy. Each time we want to pray, we think of many other activities that seem more important and urgent. Almost always, after putting off #prayer, we realise that those things were not essential at all. This is how the Enemy deceives us. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Tankspriddhet, torrhet, leda | 19/05-2021 | 506-508 | ||
When we become aware of our distractions in #prayer, what can help us confront them is to humbly offer our heart to the Lord so that He may purify it and refocus it on Him. | @Pontifex | |||
Vissheten att bönhöras | 26/05-2021 | 507 | ||
When we pray, we need to be humble, so that our words are actually prayers and not just idle talk that God rejects. #Prayer #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Jesus, förebild för och själ i varje bön | 02/06-2021 | 507 | ||
Even if our prayers might ramble and be weakened by a wavering faith, we must never stop putting our trust in Jesus. Supported by Jesus’ #prayer, our timid prayers rest on eagles' wings and soar up to heaven. | @Pontifex | |||
Uthållighet i kärlek | 09/06-2021 | 509-510 | ||
Prayer is the breath of life and we are all invited to practice it so that it becomes an everlasting prayer. Prayer is the essence of Christian life; it is as necessary as breathing. | @Pontifex | |||
Jesu påskbön för oss | 16/06-2021 | 476 | ||
Our prayers are fulfilled and completed when we intercede for others and take care of their concerns and needs. #Prayer does not separate us or isolate us from anyone, as it is love for all. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex | |||
Påvens Benedictus XVI katekes |
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Människan i bön | ||||
Audiens | Youcat | |||
Inledning: Exempel på böner från olika tidevarv och kulturer | 2011-05-04 | |||
Längtan efter bön | 2011-05-11 | 470 | ||
Abraham går i förbön för Sodom och Gomorra (1Mos 18,16-33) | 2011-05-18 | 471 | ||
Nattlig duell och möte med Gud (1Mos 32,23-33) | 2011-05-25 | |||
Moses förbön till folket (2Mos 32,7-14) | 2011-06-01 | 472 | ||
Profet och bönor i konfrontationen (1Kung 18,20-40) | 2011-06-15 | |||
Guds folk i bön: Psaltaren | 2011-06-22 | 473 | ||
Läsningen av Skriften, mat för sinnet | 2011-08-03 | 491 | ||
Kloster: Sinnets "Oaser" | 2011-08-10 | 510 | ||
Meditation: Högtidrn Jungfru Marias upptagning i himmelen | 2011-08-17 | 504 | ||
Konst och bön | 2011-08-31 | |||
Jesu bön | ||||
Audiens | Youcat | |||
Jesus prisar Gud Fadern | 2011-12-07 | |||
Jesu mirakulösa helanden | 2011-12-14 | 90-91 | ||
Julafton - Den heliga natten | 2011-12-21 | 76 | ||
Bön och den heliga familjen från Nasaret | 2011-12-28 | 494 | ||
Jul: ljusets och glädjens mysterium | 2012-01-04 | |||
Jesu sista måltiden: nattvarden - eukaristin | 2012-01-11 | 209-210 | ||
Böneveckan för kristen enhet | 2012-01-18 | 131 | ||
Jesu översteprästerliga förbön | 2012-01-25 | 99 | ||
Jesu bön i Getsemane trädgården | 2012-02-01 | 100-476 | ||
Jesu bön på korset | 2012-02-08 | 101-476 | ||
Psaltarpsalm 22: "Min Gud, min Gud, varför har du övergivit mig"? | 2012-02-15 | 476 | ||
Liturgin på Askonsdagen | 2012-02-22 | |||
Jesu tystnad, som är så viktig i relationen till Gud | 2012-03-07 | |||
Bön i Apostlagärningarna, Paulusbreve och Uppbarelseboken |
Audiens | Youcat | |||
Jungfru Maria ber med Jesu lärjungar | 2012-03-14 | 118 | ||
Kristna samfundet ber under förföljelser (Apg. 4:23-31) | 2012-04-18 | |||
Bön och välgörenhet: Sju diakonere (Apg. 6:1-7) | 2012-04-25 | 255 | ||
Den helige Stefanos var den första kristna martyren (Apg. 7:1-60) | 2012-05-02 | 497 | ||
Petrus i Apostlagärningarna (Apg. 12:1-11) | 2012-05-09 | 492 | ||
S:t Paulus: Den Helige Ande vädjar för oss med rop utan ord | 2012-05-16 | 496 | ||
S:t Paulus: Varje kristen kan ropa »Abba, Vater« | 2012-05-23 | 38 | ||
S:t Paulus: Den kristna bönen är ett riktigt och personligt möte med Gud | 2012-05-30 | 493 | ||
S:t Paulus: Den djupa Guds betraktaren | 2012-06-13 | 472; 500;
502-503 |
S:t Paulus: Reningen, lovprisning och helighet | 2012-06-27 | 488-489 | ||
Bön i den första delen av Uppenbarelseboken (Upp 1:4-3:22) | 2012-09-05 | 492 | ||
Bön i den andra delen av Uppenbarelseboken (Upp 4:1-22:21) | 2012-09-12 | 487 | ||