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Family Amoris Laetitia Year

Den Heliga Familjen


Påven Franciskus böner

à 2013-10-27

à 2013-12-29

à Angelus : 12/28/2014

à World Meeting of Families 2018

Den nya evangelissation:

Familjen och Äktenskapet

Amoris Laetitia
(Apost. brev 2016-03-19)
        Läs mer

(YOUCAT  260-271)

Video 2021:
Äktenskapets skönhet

Helige Josef


à Silence, strengh and tenderness: 2017-03-20

à Education & Fatherhood: 2014-03-19

à Feast: 2013-03-19

à Arbetaren: 2013-05-01

à Angelus : 12/22/2013

à Novena to Saint Joseph

 With this Letter, I wish to encourage the beautiful family tradition of preparing the nativity scene in the days before Christmas, but also the custom of setting it up in the workplace, in schools, hospitals, prisons and town squares. - Admirabile signum - 2019-12-01
A family enlightened by the Gospel provides a school for Christian living!
There one learns faithfulness, patience and sacrifice.

@Pontifex (05/10/2014)
2019-11-24 - In a world where millions of children and families live in inhumane conditions, the money that is squandered and the fortunes made through the manufacture, maintenance and sale of ever more destructive weapons, are an affront crying out to heaven.
2019-11-13 - Let us ask the Lord to pour His Spirit upon Christian couples and families, so that, as they generously open their doors to Christ and to their brothers and sisters, they may bear authentic witness to a life of faith, hope and charity. #GeneralAudience
2019-08-12 - Education with horizons open to transcendence helps young people to dream and to build a more beautiful world. #IYD2019
2019-05-15 - Promoting the development of the #family means supporting and caring for every human person and for all of creation. #ClimateAction
2019-03-19 - Saint Joseph, spouse of the Virgin Mary, watch over the whole Church always, and protect Her in every moment.
2018-12-30 - May Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless and protect all families around the world, so that love, joy and peace may reign within them.
2018-12-29 - Bring God’s tenderness and mercy to all those who are discarded by society.
2018-12-18 - Be like Saint Joseph: a man of dreams, not a dreamer; a man of silence, because he respects God's plan. #SantaMarta
2018-12-01 - There is no such thing as the perfect family. Only by the daily exercise of forgiveness can a family grow.
2018-11-20 - Faithfulness is the characteristic of free, mature and responsible human relationships.
2018-11-19 - You cannot love only as long as it is “advantageous”. Love manifests itself when it goes beyond one’s own self-interest, and when it is given without reservation.
2018-08-26 - May God’s blessing come down upon all your families, so that they may be places of love and forgiveness.
2018-08-26 - I ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for the healing of the survivors of abuse and to confirm every member of our Christian family in the resolve never again to permit these situations to occur.
2018-08-25 - Is there anything precious that endures at all? Even love itself? Love is God’s dream for us and for the whole human family. Please, never forget this!
2018-08-25 - Our world needs a revolution of love! Let that revolution begin with you and your families!
2018-08-24 - The #Family is an icon of God: the bond between a man and a woman generates life and communion.
2018-08-23 - The #Family is the cradle of life and the school of love and acceptance. It is a window thrown open to the mystery of God.
2018-08-22 - We must protect the #Family. Our future depends on it.
2018-08-21 - The #Family is where hope is forged.
2018-07-26 - Grandparents are a treasure in the family. Please, take care of your grandparents: love them and let them talk to your children!
2018-05-15 - The Family is the hope of the future. Let us pray especially for families facing serious difficulties: may Our Lord assist them.
2018-03-19 - Dear fathers, happy Feast of St. Joseph! Follow his example when caring for your children as they grow up in wisdom and grace.
2017-07-26 - How important grandparents are for family life, for passing on the human and religious heritage so essential for each and every society!
2017-06-01 - I thank God for parents who strive to live in love and keep moving forward, even if they fall many times along the way.
2017-05-01 - May Saint Joseph give young people the ability to dream, to take risks for big tasks, the things that God dreams for us.
2017-03-19 - May St Joseph, Spouse of Mary and Patron of the Universal Church, bless you and watch over you. And best wishes to fathers!
2017-01-15 - May the Holy Family watch over all child migrants and accompany the vulnerable and the voiceless on their journey.
2016-12-30 - Holy Family of Nazareth, help us all to recognize the sacred nature of the family and its beauty in God’s plan for humanity.
2016-10-13 - I entrust all child migrants to the protection of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
2016-08-08 - When there is dialogue in the family, tensions are easily resolved.
2016-07-02 - True joy which is experienced in the family is not something random and fortuitous, but normal and ongoing.
2016-04-25 - All are called to love and cherish family life, for families are not a problem; they are first and foremost an opportunity.
2016-04-20 - To form a family is to be a part of God’s dream, to join him in building a world where no one will feel alone.
2016-04-15 - In the darkest hours of a family’s life, union with Jesus can help avoid a breakup.
2016-04-14 - Love is the only light which can constantly illuminate a world grown dim.
2016-04-13 - The Lord’s presence dwells in families, with all their daily troubles and struggles, joys and hopes.
2016-04-12 - It is essential that children see that prayer is something truly important for their parents.
2016-04-12 - The home is the place where we learn to appreciate the beauty of the faith, to pray and serve our neighbor.
2016-04-11 - The family is where we first learn to listen and share, to be patient and show respect, to help one another.
2016-04-11 - Children are a wonderful gift from God and a joy for parents.
2016-04-11 - Fidelity has to do with patience. Its joys and sacrifices bear fruit as the years go by.
2016-04-11 - To know how to forgive and feel forgiven is a basic experience in family life.
2016-04-11 - The divorced who have entered a new union should be made to feel part of the Church. They are not excommunicated.
2016-04-10 - Open and caring families find a place for the poor.
2016-04-10 - It is important for a child to feel wanted. He or she is not an accessory or a solution to some personal need.
2016-04-10 - Each new life allows us to appreciate the utterly gratuitous dimension of love.
2016-04-10 - Love opens our eyes and enables us to see the great worth of a human being.
2016-04-10 - In our families, we must learn to imitate Jesus’ own gentleness.
2016-04-09 - Every family, despite its weaknesses, can become a light in the darkness of the world.
2016-04-09 - Our teaching on marriage and the family cannot fail to be inspired by the message of love and tenderness.
2016-04-09 - The strength of the family lies in its capacity to love and to teach how to love.
2016-04-09 - No one can think that the weakening of the family will prove beneficial to society as a whole.
2016-04-09 - People with disabilities are a gift for the family and an opportunity to grow in love, mutual aid and unity.
2016-04-08 - The family is a good which society cannot do without, and it ought to be protected.
2016-04-08 - The welfare of the family is decisive for the future of the world.
2016-04-08 - The word of God is a source of comfort for every family that experiences difficulty or suffering.
2016-04-08 - The family is the place where parents become their children’s first teachers in the faith.
2016-04-08 - The Joy of Love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church.
2016-04-07 - I encourage you to bear witness to Christ in your personal life and families: a witness of gratuitousness, solidarity, spirit of service.
2016-03-12 - ... Att de familjer som lider av olika sorters problem får den hjälp de behöver, och att deras barn får växa upp i en sund och fredlig miljö.
2016-02-15 - I prefer a family with a tired face from sacrifices made rather than a pretty one which is unfamiliar with tenderness and compassion.
2015-11-12 - As Christians, we are called to imitate the Good Shepherd and to help families experiencing difficulties.
2015-10-21 - Parents, can you “waste time” with your children? It is one of the most important things that you can do each day.
2015-09-07 - Let us ask Our Lady to help all families, especially those affected by unemployment.
2015-08-28 - Lord, help us always to be more generous and closer to poor families.
2015-08-06 - We learn many virtues in our Christian families. Above all, we learn to love, asking nothing in return.
2015-08-01 - Hospitality in families is a crucial virtue today, especially in situations of great poverty.
2015-07-30 - The most powerful witness to marriage is the exemplary lives of Christian spouses.
2015-05-26 - We can observe the Fourth Commandment by loving visits to our aging grandparents.
2015-05-14 - Dear parents, have great patience, and forgive from the depths of your heart.
2015-01-16 - The family is the greatest treasure of any country. Let us all work to protect and strengthen this, the cornerstone of society.
2014-12-28 - The Christian family is missionary: it announces the love of God to the world.
2014-12-16 - It is so important to listen! Husbands and wives need to communicate to bring happiness and serenity to family life.
2014-12-09 - The family is a community of love where each of us learns to relate to others and to the world around us.
2014-10-23 - The family is where we are formed as people. Every family is a brick in the building of society.
2014-10-03 - Happy families are essential for the Church and for society.
2014-07-31 - May each family rediscover family prayer, which helps to bring about mutual understanding and forgiveness.
2014-06-28 - To be friends with God means to pray with simplicity, like children talking to their parents.
2014-06-26 - The family is essential to sustaining human and social development.
2014-06-16 - May the Lord bless the family and strengthen it in this moment of crisis.
2014-05-10 - A family enlightened by the Gospel provides a school for Christian living! There one learns faithfulness, patience and sacrifice.
2014-05-09 - Holiness means giving ourselves in sacrifice every day. And so married life is a tremendous path to sanctity!
2014-05-08 - In our families we learn to love and to recognise the dignity of all, especially of the elderly.
2014-04-01 - Lär era barn att be, och be tillsammans med dem!
2014-03-08 - The challenge for Christian spouses: remaining together, knowing how to love one another always, and doing so in a way that their love grows.
2014-03-03 - How to live a good marriage? United to the Lord, who always renews our love and strengthens it to overcome every difficulty.
2014-02-27 - In a family it is normal to take charge of those who need help. Do not be afraid of frailty!
2013-09-28 - Every marriage has difficult moments. But these experiences of the Cross can make the path of love even stronger.

  Katekes på Familj
och den pastorala utmaningar

Synod 2014-2015


Relatio synodi
à  Final message
à  Address of the Holy Father

à  Letter to families


(YOUCAT   260-271)

Barmhärtige Jesus
i Äktenskapet


  Audiens YOUCAT
Inledning 2014-12-10 368 - 374
Jesus levde i den enkla Familj från Nazareth 2014-12-17 86
Rollen av mödrar i samhället och för kyrkan 2015-01-07 85
Faderskap (I): Faderns värdighet och roll 2015-01-28 372; 375
Faderskap (II): För att belysa det vackra i faderskapet 2015-02-04 371 - 375
Barnets betydelse och roll i familjen 2015-02-11 372; 418-419
Syskonens roll i familjen 2015-02-18 321, 330, 373
Far- och morföräldrar (I): Deras rikedom och vishet för samhället 2015-03-04 367
Far- och morföräldrar (II): Deras uppdrag och kallelse och deras bön för samhället 2015-03-11 499 - 504
Barnen (I): En stor gåva för mänskligheten och för kyrkan 2015-03-18 418
Högtidligt Jungfru Marias bebådelse: Bön för familjesynoden 2015-03-25 76 - 79
Barnen (II): För att älska dem ännu mer 2015-04-08 368-369; 372; 383-385; 435
Man och kvinna (I): De kröner Guds skapelse 2015-04-15 64; 400-401
Man och kvinna (II): Vi måste återupprätta äktenskapets och familjens heder! 2015-04-22 64; 260
Äktenskapet (I): "mannen och kvinnan som älskar varandra! Detta är mästerverket!" 2015-04-29 400-406; 416-418
Äktenskapet (II): "Äktenskapets sakrament är en stor gärning av tro och kärlek" 2015-05-06 260 - 268
Om familjelivet. De tre orden är: "får jag lov?", "tack", "förlåt" 2015-05-13 371; 524
Barnens uppfostran behöver kärlek, ömhet och tålamod. 2015-05-20 371 - 373
Förlovningstiden: Kärleksförbundet mellan en man och en kvinna är ett förbund för livet 2015-05-27 404 - 408
Reflexion om hur sårbar familjen i prövningar och problem 2015-06-03 323-324; 369
I familjen: Hjälp och bönen för de sjuka 2015-06-10 241; 280
Smärtan och sorgen över et barn eller en forälder 2015-06-17 154 - 156
I familjen: Smärtan av skilsmässa 2015-06-24 269; 424-425
Om sårade familjer: Lider av medlemmarna 2015-08-05 269-270; 424
Om tre dimensioner som ger familjelivet dess rytm (I): högtid 2015-08-12 47; 366
Om tre dimensioner som ger familjelivet dess rytm (II): arbetet 2015-08-19 50; 332; 442
Om tre dimensioner som ger familjelivet dess rytm (III): bönen 2015-08-26 490 - 510
Erfarenheten av tron på Gud: Att följa Jesus 2015-09-02  271; 368-369; 372-374
Bandet mellan familjen och den kristna gemenskapen 2015-09-09  271; 368
Guds första kärlek till mannen och kvinnan 2015-09-16  64; 260; 400
Familjensynode: Den oupplösliga relationen mellan kyrka och familj 2015-10-07  126; 139
Våra löften till barnen 2015-10-14  369; 372-373
Löftet om kärlek och trohet som är grunden för allt familjeliv 2015-10-21  261-263
Familjensynode: Förlåt oss våra skulder 2015-11-04  524
Måltidsgemenskap är viktig 2015-11-11  321
Jubelår: Herrens Barmhärtighet är en stor öppen dörr 2015-11-18  226-239
Jubelår: det ”andliga barnaskap” 2015-12-30  




à World Meeting of Families in Dublin


à Feast of Families in Croke Park Stadium (Dublin)

à Läs mer här

à  Video


à  Closing Mass of the eighth World Meeting of Families

à Läs mer här

à  Video

à  Prayer Vigil for the Festival of Families


à  Closing Mass of the eighth World Meeting of Families

Påve Franciskus

i Kuba


à Visiting different homes was a special way for Jesus to make known God’s plan




Påve Franciskus

i Paraguay


Påve Franciskus

i Ecuador


à Följ Marias exempel vid bröllopet i Kana


Apost. Journey of Pope Francis to the Philippines

 à Meeting with Families in Manila

à Läs mer


2014 - 2015


Pope Francis

in Sri Lanka

à At the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary

à  Holy mass for the synod of bishops  10/04/2015

à  Prayer vigil for families 10/03/2015


à  Synod on the family 10/05/2014

à  Meeting on the family 10/04/2014

Meeting of Pope Francis with engaged couples preparing for marriage





Meetings with Pope Francis

à  Message on October 26  

à  Homily on October 27

à  in Assisi on October 4

à  The Gospel of Live on June 6

à  World Meeting of Families with Pope Benedict XVI in Milan, Italy Pope Benedict XVI

Dedication of the Church of the Sagrada Familia

Pontificium Consilium pro Familia



Pope Benedict XVI

Letter to families 1994                


  Familiaris Consortio

(apost exh 1981-11-22)


    Theology of the body


Encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae (1995-03-25)


  Gaudium et spes 47-52

Saint Pope Paul VI

  Synod for the New Evangelization (n.48)


  Meeting with young couples (2011-09-11)


  For couples in difficulty (2008-09-26)

Encyclical letter Humanae Vitae (1968-07-25)