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1. Vad innebär det att urskilja? | 31.08.2022 |
Discernment is demanding but indispensable for living. It requires a filial relationship with God. God is Father and He does not leave us alone. He is always willing to welcome us. But He never imposes His will. Why? Because He wants to be loved and not feared. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
2. Sankt Ignatius av Loyola | 07.09.2022 |
God works through unplanned events, as well as through setbacks. Let us ask the Lord to send us His Spirit so that He might help us to discern and to recognize His presence even in the unforeseen and painful situations in our lives. #Discernment | @Pontifex |
3. Urskiljningens beståndsdelar och betydelsen av förtrolighet med Herren | 28.09.2022 |
#Prayer is an indispensable aid for spiritual #discernment, especially when it involves the affections, enabling us to address God with simplicity and familiarity, as one would speak to a friend. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
4. En god urskillning kräver självkännedom | 05.10.2022 |
It is important to know the passwords of our heart, what we are most sensitive to, to protect ourselves from those who present themselves with persuasive words to manipulate us, but also to recognize what is truly important for us. #Discernment #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
5. Längtan är en kompass för att urskilja vår riktning | 12.10.2022 |
The Lord has a great desire for us -- to make us sharers in his own life. In our dialogue with Him, we learn to understand what we truly want from our lives. #Discernment #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
6. Läs om din livshistoria för att upptäcka Kristi närvaro | 19.10.2022 |
The habit of reviewing one’s own life forms the outlook, sharpens it, enables it to notice the small miracles that the good Lord accomplishes for us every day. #Discernment #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
7. Andlig misströstan kan stärka oss om vi lyssnar på Gud | 26.10.2022 |
We must not fear moments of sadness and desolation, but be confident and sure that the Lord never abandons us, and with Him close by, we can overcome every temptation. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
8. Att acceptera misströstan, som är oumbärlig för att utvecklas i livet | 16.11.2022 |
The spiritual state we call desolation can be an opportunity of growth. It provokes a "shaking of the soul", fosters vigilance and humility, and protects us from the winds of fancy. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
9. "Urskiljningsförmågan": andlig tröst | 23.11.2022 |
Spiritual consolation is an experience of interior joy that allows us to see God’s presence in everything. It strengthens faith, hope, and the ability of doing good; it helps us never give up in the face of difficulties because it gives us a peace that is stronger than any trial. | @Pontifex |
10. Verklig tröst | 30.11.2022 |
Before the day's end, let us learn how to read what has happened during that day in the book of our hearts -- not in newspapers, but in my heart. #Discernment | @Pontifex |
11. Inre frid bekräftar våra beslut | 07.12.2022 |
Let us place our trust in the Lord of the universe, who loves us immensely and knows that we can build something wonderful, something eternal with Him. The lives of the saints show us this in a most beautiful way. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
12. Vaksamhet | 14.12.2022 |
#GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
13. I urskiljningen känner vi Guds "oemotståndliga" kärlek | 21.12.2022 |
The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to recognize God’s fatherhood. We have a tender, affectionate Father who loves us, who has always loved us. When we experience this, our hearts melt, and doubts and fears dissolve. Nothing can resist this love. | @Pontifex |
14. Spiritual Accompaniment | 04.01.2023 |
Discernment is an art that can be learned and has its own rules. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to place on our path people who can accompany us on our journey toward God.. | @Pontifex |