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Listening to the simple and clear words of Jesus about life after death in the #GospelOfToday (Lk 20:27-38) gives great consolation and hope. We need this a lot in our time, so rich in knowledge about the universe but so poor in wisdom about eternal life. - @Pontifex: 10.11.2019
07.11.2019 - Christian hope, nourished by the light of Christ, makes the resurrection and life shine even in the world’s darkest nights.
29.10.2019 - Hope is to live in anticipation of meeting the Lord. It's like throwing an anchor to the other shore and clinging to the rope. #SantaMarta
11.09.2019 - Christ is the hope of the world: His Gospel is the most powerful leaven of brotherhood, freedom, justice and peace for all peoples. #GeneralAudience
07.09.2019 - A sower of peace and hope knows how to wait, he trusts; he realizes the limitations of his sowing, but he never stops loving the field entrusted to his care. #ApostolicJourney #Madagascar
05.07.2019 - In difficult times, even more than in times of peace, the priority for believers is to be united to Jesus, our hope.
13.06.2019 - Holy Spirit, make us artisans of harmony, sowers of good, apostles of hope!
12.06.2019 - As adults we must not rob children of their capacity to dream. Let us seek to promote an environment of hope, where their dreams may grow and be shared: A shared dream opens the path towards a new way of life. #NOChildLabourDay
24.05.2019 - We pray for the Catholics in China. May Our Lady of Sheshan help them witness to the faith, in communion with the universal Church, and to persevere in unity despite the wounds and the trials, trusting in the hope that does not disappoint.
25.04.2019 - Christ is risen, and with Him our creative hope arises to face the problems of our day, because we know we are not alone. #Easter
23.04.2019 - May the proclamation of the Lord's Resurrection sustain our hope and transform it into concrete acts of charity. #Easter
21.04.2019 - The resurrection of Christ is the true hope of the world. Happy #Easter!
09.04.2019 - May the Lord always give us hope for the future and the strength to keep going. #SantaMarta
05.04.2019 - Fasting from sin gives hope to creation too, which will be “set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God” (Rom 8:21). #Lent
02.04.2019 - If you are young in years, but feel weak, weary or disillusioned, ask Jesus to renew you. With him, hope never fails. #ChristusVivit http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20190325_christus-vivit.html
01.02.2019 - May the Lord give us the grace of memory and of hope, in order to go forward with perseverance on the journey of our life. #SantaMarta
03.11.2018 - God is faithful and our hope in Him is like a fixed anchor in heaven.
23.10.2018 - Hope is not an idea, it is an encounter; like the woman waiting to meet the child who will be born from her womb. #SantaMarta
29.09.2018 - St Michael, help us to fight for our salvation. St Gabriel, bring us the Good News that gives hope. St Raphael, protect us on our journey.
23.09.2018 - Let us offer our lives in service and in joy, to make known to everyone that Jesus Christ is our only hope!
17.03.2018 - esus made Himself like the grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies to give life. Our hope springs from that love-filled life.
28.02.2018 - We can support one another, and face every kind of challenge with courage and hope, when we draw our strength from Jesus.
05.11.2017 - Christ was victorious over death. He is our resurrection and our life. Be witnesses to this message of hope.
04.11.2017 - The Church needs faithful people who proclaim the Gospel with enthusiasm and wisdom, instilling hope and faith.
10.10.2017 - God does not disappoint! He has placed hope in our hearts so that it can blossom and bear fruit.
23.09.2017 - If we are faithful to Christ and do good works, we can spread the light of God’s hope.
20.09.2017 - Hope is the virtue of a heart that does not close itself in darkness or remain locked in the past, but looks towards the future.
14.09.2017 - In the Cross our hope is reborn. Hope born of the Cross is different from that of the world, because it is born of the love of Jesus.
08.09.2017 - Reconciliation is consolidated by the contribution of all. It enables us to build the future and makes hope grow.
24.08.2017 - Humanity needs hope in order to live and needs the Holy Spirit in order to hope.
06.08.2017 - Hope is the virtue of a heart that doesn't lock itself into darkness, that doesn't dwell on the past, but is able to see a tomorrow.
30.06.2017 - There is great need to feed Christian hope, which gives us a new view capable of discovering and seeing the good.
17.05.2017 - Our hope is the Lord Jesus whom we recognize as living and present in us and in our brothers and sisters.
06.04.2017 - Hope helps believers to be open to the surprises God has in store for us.
03.04.2017 - Lent is, by nature, a time of hope because it leads us to be born anew “of the spirit”, by the love of God.
22.03.2017 - Even if we may be men and women of little faith, the Lord saves us. We must always have hope in the Lord!
09.02.2017 - Hope opens new horizons and enables us to dream of what is not even imaginable.
26.01.2017 - Hope lets new life blossom, like a plant that grows from the seed fallen on the earth.
23.01.2017 - “Be not afraid, for I am with you”. Let us communicate hope and trust in our time!
27.12.2016 - Christmas has above all a taste of hope because, for all the darkness in our lives, God’s light shines forth.
06.12.2016 - Jesus gives meaning to my life here on earth and hope for the life to come.
04.12.2016 - Advent is a time to prepare our hearts to receive Christ, our Saviour and hope.
10.10.2016 - Punishment should necessarily include hope!
28.05.2016 - Remain steadfast in the journey of faith, with firm hope in the Lord. This is the secret of our journey!
17.05.2016 - The world needs the courage, hope, faith and perseverance of Christ’s followers.
27.04.2016 - Christian hope is a gift that God gives us if we come out of ourselves and open our hearts to him.
03.04.2016 - Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.
25.03.2016 - Impress, Lord, in our hearts the sentiments of faith, hope, love and sorrow for our sins.
18.02.2016 - I have felt welcomed and received with affection and hope by the Mexican people. Thank you for opening the doors to your lives.
17.02.2016 - You have asked me for a word of hope: what I have to offer you has a name: Jesus Christ.
13.02.2016 - Mexico has a young face. This makes it possible to contemplate and plan for a future, for a tomorrow. This offers hope.
19.01.2016 - The Gospel calls us to be close to the poor and forgotten, and to give them real hope.
19.12.2015 - Mercy is the path uniting God with man, for it opens the heart to the hope of an eternal love (MV 2).
29.11.2015 - I come to the Central African Republic as a pilgrim of peace and as an apostle of hope.
28.11.2015 - I have great hope for Africa, and for the harvest of grace that the Lord is preparing in your midst.
17.07.2015 - When everything falls apart, only one thing sustains our hope: God loves us, he loves everyone!
30.04.2015 - Amid so many problems, even grave, may we not lose our hope in the infinite mercy of God.

  Pave Frans katekese  

  Audiens Youcat    
 Esajas: 40: "Trøst, trøst mit folk..."  -   [Mere] 07.12.2016 308
Esajas: 52: 7 "Hvor hvor herligt lyder budbringerens fodtrin hen over bjergene, den som bringer det glade budskab om fred og frelse..."   -   [Mere] 14.12.2016  
Luke 2:  May we open our hearts to the Good News of the Saviour’s birth 21.12.2016 76-77
Abraham, fader i tro og håb (Rm 4:18) - "Med håb imod håb troede han." -   [Mere] 28.12.2016  
 Vor Frues tårer for hendes søns død bærer frugt i nyt håb og nyt liv 04.01.2017  
Psal 115: Falskt håb til idoler   - [Mere] 11.01.2017 355
Jonas 1: Om profeten Jonas: Bøn og håb  - [Mere] 18.01.2017  
Judith 8:9-17: En modig kvinde giver folk håb 25.01.2017  
1 Thess 5:4-11: Håbet om frelse som hjelm 01.02.2017 152-155
1 Thess 5:12-22: Håbet som kilde til gjensidig trøst og fred 08.02.2017  
Rom 5:1-5: Håbet ikke skuffer 15.02.2017  
Rom 8:19-27: Til håb er vi frelst  - [Mere] 22.02.2017  
Fasten er en vej til håbet - [Mere] 01.03.2017  
Rom 12:9-13: " Vær glade i håbet. "  - [Mere] 15.03.2017 308
Rom 15:1-6: Et håb som bygger på Ordet: «tålmodighed» og «trøst» 22.03.2017 14
Rom 4:16-25: "Med håb imod håb troede Abraham." 29.03.2017  
1 Pet 3:8-17: "I skal altid være rede til forsvar over for enhver, der kræver jer til regnskab for det håb, I har." 05.04.2017  
Joh 12:24-25: Verdens håb og korsets håb 12.04.2017 94; 98
1 Kor 15: "Den opstandne Kristus, vores håb." 19.04.2017 104-108
Mt 28:20: "Vores tro er vores anker i Himlen." 26.04.2017 218
Mt 2:13-15: Apostolske rejse til Egypten: et tegn på håb 03.05.2017  
Jomfru Maria er håbets moder   - [Mere] 10.05.2017 84-85
Maria Magdalena, håbets apostel 17.05.2017  
Luk 24:13-35: Emmaus, vandring i håbet 24.05.2017  
Helligånden gør os rige i håbet 31.05.2017 38; 112-120
Fader Vor: Den Guds faderskab, kilden til vores håb - [Mere] 07.06.2017 37; 511-527
Guds ubetingede kærlighed giver håb - [Mere] 14.06.2017  
Helgener som vidner og håbets ledsagere: "Det er muligt at være en helgen, fordi Herren hjælper os." - [Mere] 21.06.2017 342
Håber som martyrenes styrke 28.06.2017 454
Dåben: håbets dør 02.08.2017 194-202
Luk 7 Guddommelig barmhjertighed er det kristne håbs grundlag - [Mere] 09.08.2017  
Åb 21,1-8: »Se, jeg gør alting nyt!« - Nyheden av der kristne håb 23.08.2017  
Minnet om vårt kall tenner håpet på nytt 30.08.2017  
Til ungdom: Vær håbets fyrtårn - [Mere] 20.09.2017  
Vigtigheden af ​​at bekæmpe alt, som truer vores håb - [Mere] 27.09.2017  
Vores kald til at være håbets missionærer - [Mere] 04.10.2017  
Jesus vil at vi skal vente og våke 11.10.2017  
Åb 14:13  «Salige er de døde som dør i Herren» 18.10.2017  
Paradise, as the aim of our hope 25.10.2017