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Nyevangelisering |
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Helligånden og Bruden Ny! Pave Frans' katekese forklaring , 25.09.2024 |
Helligåndens syv gaver: Karismer @Pontifex: "The Holy Spirit is the Gift of God who helps us to be free people, people who want and know how to love, people who understand that life is a mission to proclaim the wonders that the Lord accomplishes in those who trust in him." - Pave Frans' katekese 22.09.2024 |
Medjugorje News International pilgrim center and place of praver and reconciliation Message - 09/25/2024: “Dear children, Out of love towards you, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call. (With Ecclesiastical approval)" , 20.09.2024 |
Laster og
dyder Pave Frans' katekese forklaring , 15.09.2024 |
Bønnens år 2024 Bønnens år 2024 som opptakt til jubelåret 2025 [Mere] 12.09.2024 |
Skole for bøn "Our prayers are fulfilled and completed when we intercede for others and take care of their concerns and needs. #Prayer does not separate us or isolate us from anyone, as it is love for all. #GeneralAudience“ @Pontifex: 16.06.2021 Pave Frans' og Pave Benedikt XVI' katekese 12.09.2024 |
Nyevangelisering Pave Frans' katekese og forklaring , Video: New Evangelization 10.09.2024 |
Pave Frans og ungdom NY! «Glade i håpet» (Rom 12,12) VUD 2023-2024 Pave Frans’ budskaber og mere: VUD, Prayer Festivals, The Chosen... 07.09.2024 |
EVANGELII GAUDIUM Evangelii Gaudium: Pave Frans’ første apostoliske formaning - Den nyevangelisering skal karakteriseres af glæde 07.09.2024 |
DEUM NY! Encyklika Laudato Si' - ’Lovet være du’ - pave Frans’ nye encyklika om forvaltningen af vort fælles hjem Official website Laudato Si' 03.09.2024 |
Fredsbudskab 2024 September 2024: "Respect for the dignity of labourers and the importance of employment for the economic well-being of individuals, families, and societies, for job security and just wages, ought to be a high priority for the international community as these forms of technology penetrate more deeply into our workplaces.” 01.09.2024 |
Den hellige Josef “I encourage you to ask for the intercession of Saint Joseph precisely at the most difficult times in your life. Where our mistakes become a scandal, let us ask Saint Joseph to give us the courage to speak the truth, ask for forgiveness, and humbly begin again. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex: 02/16/2022 28.08.2024 |
2021-2022 Familiens' år “I have decided to declare a special year dedicated to the Family #Amorislaetitia, which will be inaugurated on the next Solemnity of Saint Joseph. Let us entrust this journey with families all over the world to the Holy Family of Nazareth.” @Pontifex: 12/27/2020 Video message: 2022 World Meeting of Families Song: Welcome On Earth | Bernarda Brunovic Sin mission i den nye evangelisering. Verden møder af familier og undervisning for familier 25.08.2024 |
De ældre “As we approach the end of our lives, the essentials of life that we hold most dear become definitively clear to us. Our whole life appears like a seed that will have to be buried so that its flower and its fruit can be born.” @Pontifex: 08/24/2022 25.08.2024 |
Skjelning Pave Frans' katekese og forklaring "Discernment is an art that can be learned and has its own rules. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to place on our path people who can accompany us on our journey toward God. #GeneralAudience“ @Pontifex: 04.01.2023 20.08.2024 |
Paulus' Brev til Galaterne Pave Frans' katekese og forklaring ""Faith in Christ in your heart is like Christ in the boat" (Saint Augustine). We wake Christ up in our hearts and then we can contemplate things with his vision because He sees beyond the storm. #GeneralAudience“ @Pontifex: 10.11.2021 16.08.2024 |
Den hellige Messe og
Eukaristien Pave Frans' katekese og prædikener Nye apostoliske brev «Desiderio desideravi» Om liturgisk formasjon av Guds folk 10.08.2024 |
Saligprisningerne NY! Pave Frans' katekese 07.08.2024 |
Apostlenes Gerninger Pave Frans' katekese og forklaring 02.08.2024 |
7 SAKRAMENTER Pave Frans' katekese om dåben ”Let us remain united to the Lord Jesus through listening to the Word, through the sacraments, a life of fraternity and service to others.” @Pontifex: 19.05.2019 27.07.2024 |
Jomfru Maria, Theotokos - Værdighed og
mission af kvinden "Let us entrust ourselves to the maternal intercession of Mary Most Holy so that the Holy Spirit may descend in abundance upon the Church of our time, fill the hearts of all the faithful and kindle in them the fire of his love. @Pontifex: 24.05.2021 ”Kvinder i Kirken”: Jomfru Maria, Theotokos 23.07.2024 |
Kaldet til hellighed “Saint Bakhita, patron saint of victims of trafficking, faced the pain of slavery and witnessed the freedom and joy of encountering the Lord. Let us pray that all may live this joy and break the chains of slavery. #PrayAgainstTrafficking” @Pontifex: 08.02.2020 Budskaber af paverne om hellighed 18.07.2024 |
GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE NY! «Gled og fryd dere» - «Om kallet til hellighet i dagens verden» - [Mere] Pave Frans’ tredje apostoliske formaning 18.07.2024 |
Kirken "Today the Church praises stability. “Trust in the Lord forever, because the Lord is an eternal Rock” (Isa 26:4). Those who trust in the Lord will always be safe, because their foundations are sunk into the Rock. #HomilySantaMarta“ @Pontifex: 05.12.2019 Fundamentet og oprindelsen af Kirken - Pave Frans' katekese 2013-2014 15.07.2024 |
Guds barmhjertighed "The #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 19:1-10) shows us that the merciful gaze of the Lord reaches us before we even realize that we need it to be saved.“ @Pontifex: 03.11.2019 Mødet med den Barmhjertige Jesus og opdage skønheden i sakramenterne 13.07.2024 |
Misericordia et misera Apostoliske ekshortation af Pave Frans Pastoral instructions for the 21th Century priests 13.07.2024 |
Det kristne håb Pavens Frans' katekese “Listening to the simple and clear words of Jesus about life after death in the #GospelOfToday (Lk 20:27-38) gives great consolation and hope. We need this a lot in our time, so rich in knowledge about the universe but so poor in wisdom about eternal life.” @Pontifex: 10.11.2019 07.07.2024 |
De Ti Bud Pave Frans' katekese og forklaring 27.06.2024 |
Fadervor Pave Frans' katekese 23.06.2024 |
Hvad er tro? Jeg tror på Gud Pave Benedikt XVI' og pave Frans' katekeser i løbet af Troens Året 2012-2013, se "Katekesen af den Hellige Fader og YOUCAT" 19.06.2024 |
LUMEN FIDEI Encyklika Lumen Fidei - Oplev skønheden af troens lys 19.06.2024 |