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Lidenskab for evangeliet Den troendes apostoliske iver |
Video: New Evangelization | |
Pave Frans' katekese |
Audiens |
1. Kallet til apostolat (Matt 9,9–13) | 11.01.2023 |
We don't have to wait til we are perfect to bear witness to Jesus; our proclamation begins today, right where we live. And it does not begin by trying to convince others, but by witnessing every day to the beauty of the Love that has looked upon us and lifted us up. | @Pontifex |
2. Jesus, forbilde for forkynnelse | 18.01.2023 |
Let us pray to God so that he might grant us a pastoral heart that suffers and takes risks in bearing witness. It is not only a burden, but also a duty, to bring the Word of God to those who have been entrusted to us and to those whom we meet in our daily lives. | @Pontifex |
3. Jesus, læremester i forkynnelse | 25.01.2023 |
What is the shortest way to encounter Jesus? Make yourself needy. Recognize your need for grace, your need for forgiveness, your need for joy. And Jesus will draw near to you. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
4. Det første apostolatet | 15.02.2023 |
The proclamation of the Gospel does not begin from us, but from the beauty of what we have freely received: meeting Jesus, knowing Him, and discovering that we are loved and saved. It is such a great gift that we cannot keep it to ourselves, we feel the need to spread it. | @Pontifex |
5. The protagonist of the proclamation: the Holy Spirit | 22.02.2023 |
The Spirit sheds light on the path of the Church. He is not only the light of hearts, He is the light that orients the Church: He brings clarity, helps to distinguish, to discern. This is why it is necessary to invoke Him often; let us also do so today, at the beginning of #Lent | @Pontifex |
6. Det annet vatikankonsil. Evangelisering som kirkelig tjeneste | 08.03.2023 |
Every baptized person is sent to announce the Good News by loving and serving others. We cannot remain mere spectators. Apostolic zeal impels us to always seek new ways of proclaiming and witnessing to God's love. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
7. Det annet vatikankonsil. Å være apostler i en apostolisk Kirke | 15.03.2023 |
The treasure we have received with our Christian vocation, we are obliged to give: it is the dynamic nature of the vocation, the dynamic nature of life. | @Pontifex |
8. Første evangeliseringsmåte: vitnesbyrd (jf. Evangelii nuntiandi) | 22.03.2023 |
Chosen and loved by God, we are called to live "as is fitting among the saints" (Eph 5:3), to clothe ourselves with sentiments of goodness, humility, magnanimity, bearing the fruits of the Spirit. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
9. Vitner: Paulus. 1 | 29.03.2023 |
We must never forget the moment and the way in which God enters into our lives, treasuring in our hearts and minds that encounter with Grace that enkindles faith in our hearts and sparks zeal for the Gospel within us. | @Pontifex |
10. Vitner: Paulus 2 | 12.04.2023 |
Brothers and sisters, filled with the joy of the Risen Christ, let us ask the grace of being a Church "moving out", the community of missionary disciples taking initiative and committed to proclaim the Gospel of peace and mercy. #GeneralAudience #Easter | @Pontifex |
11. Vitner: martyrer | 19.04.2023 |
Praising God is like breathing pure oxygen: it purifies the soul, it makes you look far ahead, it does not leave you imprisoned in the difficult and dark moment of hardship. | @Pontifex |
12. Vitner: klostervesen og forbønn. Gregor av Narek | 26.04.2023 |
Monks and nuns are the beating heart of the proclamation of the Gospel: their prayer is oxygen for all the members of the Body of Christ, the invisible force that sustains the mission. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
13. Vitner: Frans Xavier | 17.05.2023 |
Amidst the hardships and difficulties of the missions, may the commitment and example of Saint Francis Xavier help us discover the deep joy of the missionary, happy to bring Christ to the farthest ends of the earth. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
14. Vitner: Andreas Kim Dae-geon | 24.05.2023 |
Monks and nuns are the beating heart of the proclamation of the Gospel: their prayer is oxygen for all the members of the Body of Christ, the invisible force that sustains the mission. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
15. Vitner: Matteo Ricci | 31.05.2023 |
Monks and nuns are the beating heart of the proclamation of the Gospel: their prayer is oxygen for all the members of the Body of Christ, the invisible force that sustains the mission. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
16. Vitner: Thérèse av Jesusbarnet | 07.06.2023 |
On what would have been her 150th birthday, let us ask Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, the patron saint of missions, for the grace to love Jesus as she loved Him, the grace to offer Him our trials and our sorrows, as she did, so that He might be known and loved by all. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
17. Vitner: Mary MacKillop | 28.06.2023 |
Education does not consist in filling heads with ideas, but in accompanying and encouraging students on a journey of human and spiritual growth, showing them how friendship with the Risen Jesus enlarges the heart and makes life more human. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
18. Vitnesbyrd på morsmålet: Juan Diego, Vår frue av Guadalupes budbringer | 23.08.2023 |
Education does not consist in filling heads with ideas, but in accompanying and encouraging students on a journey of human and spiritual growth, showing them how friendship with the Risen Jesus enlarges the heart and makes life more human. #GeneralAudience | @Pontifex |
19. Å be og tjene med glede: Kateri Tekákwitha | 30.08.2023 |
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20. José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros, de fattiges lege og fredens apostel | 13.09.2023 |
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21. Daniele Comboni, Afrika-apostel og misjonsprofet | 20.09.2023 |
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22. Josefina Bakhita: et vitne om Kristi tilgivelses forvandlende kraft | 11.10.2023 |
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23. Charles de Foucauld, et kjærlighetsfullt hjerte i et tilbaketrukket liv | 18.10.2023 |
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24. Kyrillos og Methodios, slavernes apostler | 25.10.2023 |
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25. Madeleine Delbrêl. Trosglede blant ikke-troende | 08.11.2023 |
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26. Evangelii Gaudium - Forkynnelse er glede | 15.11.2023 |
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27. Forkynnelse er for alle | 22.11.2023 |
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28. Forkynnelse er for i dag | 29.11.2023 |
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29. Forkynnelse er i Den hellige ånd | 06.12.2023 |
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30. Effata, lukk deg opp, Kirke! (Mk 7:31-35) | 13.12.2023 |
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