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Baptism is the best gift we have received. Through it, we belong to God and we possess the joy of salvation. (@Pontifex: 13.01.2019) |
Dåben: 6. The white garment and the lighted candle (Katekes: 16.05.2018 // Youcat n. 194-202) |
Dåben: 5. The pouring of water and the invocation of the Blessed Trinity (Katekes: 09.05.2018 // Youcat n. 194-202) |
Dåben: 4. Vand, livets kilde (Katekes: 02.05.2018 // Youcat n. 194-202) [Mere] |
Dåben: 3. Litani til helgerne og salvelse (Katekes: 25.04.2018 // Youcat n. 194-202) |
Dåben: 2. Ord og handling (Katekes: 18.04.2018 // Youcat n. 194-202) |
Dåben: 1. Indledning og dåbens fejring (Katekes: 11.04.2018 // Youcat n. 194-202) |
Baptism is also called ‘illumination’, because faith illuminates the heart and allows us to see things in a different light. (@Pontifex: 01/07/2018) |
"Dåben: håbets dør" (Katekes: 08/02/2017 // Youcat n. 194-202) [Mere] |
Christian faith is a gift which we receive in Baptism and which allows us to encounter God. (@Pontifex: 04.04.2016) |
"Én dåb: et håndgribeligt tegn på enhed til at udføre handlinger legemlige og åndelige barmhjertighedsgerninger sammen. " (Kateke: 01/20/2016 // Youcat n. 130-131; 450-451) [Mere] |
All of us who are baptized are missionary disciples. We are called to become a living Gospel in the world. (@Pontifex: 25.02.2014) |
We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ. (@Pontifex: 24.01.2014) |
"All the baptized are agents of evangelization." (Catechesis: 15.01.2014 // Youcat n. 138; 196) [Mere] |
"The date of our Baptism is a blessed day." (Catechesis: 08.01.2014 // Youcat n. 194-197) [Mere] |
Jeg bekender én dåb til syndernes forladelse (Katekes: 13.11.2013 // Youcat nr. 194-200; 226-237) [Mere] |
Kirken er vor Moder (Katekes 11.09.2013 // Youcat nr. 121; 123; 200) [Mere] |
Each day we must let Christ transform us (Catechesis: 10.04.2013 // Youcat n. 108; 194; 200) [Mere] |
Kirkens troen (Katekes 31.10.2012 // Youcat nr. 25-29; 118-128; 194-202) [Mere] |
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Firmelsens sakramente: 3. Kirkens vækst (Katekese: 06.06.2018 // Youcat n. 203-207) [Mere] |
Firmelsens sakramente: 2. Åndens tætning (Katekese: 30.05.2018 // Youcat n. 203-207) [Mere] |
Firmelsens sakramente: 1. Det kristne vidnesbyrd (Katekese: 23.05.2018 // Youcat n. 203-207) [Mere] |
Confirmation is important for Christians; it strengthens us to defend the faith and to spread the Gospel courageously. (@Pontifex: 21.02.2014) |
Seven Gifts to deepen the mission (Catechesis: 29.01.2014 // Youcat n. 203-207) [Mere] |
The new things of God, the trials of life, remaining steadfast in the Lord (Homily: 28.04.2013 // YOUCAT n. 203-207) [Mere] |
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (Meeting with the candidates to confirmation - Pope Benedict XVI' speech - 02.06.2012) [Mere] |
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Faithfulness is the characteristic of free, mature and responsible human relationships. (@Pontifex: 20.11.2018) |
You cannot love only as long as it is “advantageous”. Love manifests itself when it goes beyond one’s own self-interest, and when it is given without reservation. (@Pontifex: 19.11.2018) |
The most powerful witness to marriage is the exemplary lives of Christian spouses. (@Pontifex: 30.07.2015) |
Dear young friends, do not be afraid of marriage: Christ accompanies with his grace all spouses who remain united to him. (@Pontifex: 28.07.2015) |
Merciful Jesus in the sacrament of Matrimony (Homily: 14.09.2014) [Mere] |
Holiness means giving ourselves in sacrifice every day. And so married life is a tremendous path to sanctity! (@Pontifex: 09.05.2014) |
Ægteskabets sakramente: Bøn og fred i familien (Katekesen 02.04.2014 // Youcat nr. 260-271) [Mere] |
How to live a good marriage? United to the Lord, who always renews our love and strengthens it to overcome every difficulty. (@Pontifex: 03.03.2014) |
Dear young people, don’t be afraid to marry. A faithful and fruitful marriage will bring you happiness. (@Pontifex: 14.02.2014) |
To engaged couples preparing for marriage (International meeting on February 14, 2014) [Mere] |
Christian love is concrete. (Homily of the morning mass in Casa Sancta Marta: 09.01.2014) [Mere] |
Meeting with young people in Assisi. (Speech: 04.10.2013) [Mere] |
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Blessing is not about saying nice words or trite phrases; it is about speaking goodness, speaking with love. The Eucharist is itself a school of blessing. #CorpusDomini (@Pontifex: 23.04.2019) |
The Eucharist prepares us for a place in eternity, because it is the Bread of Heaven. #CorpusDomini (@Pontifex: 23.04.2019) |
Jesus became bread broken for us, and He asks us to give ourselves to others, no longer to live for ourselves, but for one another. #CorpusDomini (@Pontifex: 20.04.2019) |
In the Eucharist you really meet Jesus, share His life, feel His love; there you experience that His death and resurrection are for you. #HolyThursday (@Pontifex: 18.04.2019) |
Don’t let the sufferings you see frighten you. Place them before the Crucifix and the Eucharist from which we draw patient and compassionate love. (@Pontifex: 15.01.2019) |
Sunday is a holy day for us, sanctified by the celebration of the Eucharist, which is the living presence of the Lord among us and for us. #sundaymass (@Pontifex: 11.11.2018) |
Sunday Mass is at the heart of the Church’s life. There we encounter the Risen Lord, we listen to His Word, we are nourished at His table, and thus we become Church. #sundaymass (@Pontifex: 04.11.2018) |
Sunday is the day to say to God: thank you Lord, for life, for your mercy, and for all your gifts! (@Pontifex: 30.09.2018) |
The Eucharist, Jesus the Bread of Life, is the beating heart of the Church and renews in us the impulse to love. (@Pontifex: 19.08.2018) |
Thanks to the gift of the Eucharist, our lives too become “bread broken” for our brothers and sisters. (@Pontifex: 12.08.2018) |
The Eucharist is our “reservation” for Heaven: Jesus leads us on our journey towards eternal life. (@Pontifex: 05.08.2018) |
The living presence of Christ within us is the light that guides our choices, the flame that warms our hearts as we go to meet the Lord. (@Pontifex: 04.06.2018) |
On this Feast of Corpus Christi, we need to remember that Jesus, the Bread of Life, is our strength and support on life's journey. (@Pontifex: 03.06.2018) |
The Eucharist contains all the flavour of Jesus’ words and deeds, the taste of His Death and Resurrection, the fragrance of His Spirit. (@Pontifex: 31.05.2018) |
Through the Eucharist we enter Christ’s paschal mystery, allowing us to pass from death to life with Him. (@Pontifex: 29.03.2018) |
Jesus was broken; he is broken for us. This is the Eucharist. And he asks us to give ourselves, to break ourselves, as it were, for others. (@Pontifex: 18.06.2017) |
By receiving the Eucharist we are nourished of the Body and Blood of Jesus, and by entering us, Jesus joins us to his Body! (@Pontifex: 29.05.2016) |
»Gør dette til ihukommelse af mig!« (1 Kor 11:24-25) - ("Corpus Domini" prædiken: 26.05.2016) [Mere] |
Jesus gives himself to us in the Eucharist, offering himself as spiritual food that sustains our life. (@Pontifex: 26.05.2016) |
The Eucharist is the “bread broken for the life of the world”. (Prædiken i Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: 07/09/2015) [Mere] |
In the Sacrament of the Eucharist we find God who gives himself. (@Pontifex: 09.06.2015) |
Eukaristien minder pagten, som helliggør, renser og forener os i en unik forhold til Gud. ("Corpus Domini" prædiken: 04.06.2015) [Mere] |
It is good for us to spend time before the Tabernacle, to feel the gaze of Jesus upon us. (@Pontifex: 05.05.2015) |
If Jesus is to become the centre of our life, we need to spend time in his presence, before the Tabernacle. (@Pontifex: 20.12.2014) |
When we do not adore God, we adore something else. Money and power are false idols which often take the place of God. (@Pontifex: 02.08.2014) |
Eukaristien: Ægte Mad i hverdagen. ("Corpus Domini" prædiken: 19.06.2014) [Mere] |
The Eucharist is essential for us: it is Christ who wishes to enter our lives and fill us with his grace. (@Pontifex: 28.02.2014) |
The Eucharist: How do we live the Holy Mass? (Catechesis: 12.02.2014 // Youcat n. 213-223) [Mere] |
The Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, are privileged places of encountering Christ. (@Pontifex: 08.02.2014) |
The Eucharist: the supreme thanksgiving to the Father. (Catechesis: 05.02.2014 // Youcat n. 208-212) [Mere] |
It is easy to ask God for things; we all do it. When will we also learn to give him thanks and to adore him? (@Pontifex: 25.01.2014) |
In the face of the Child Jesus we contemplate the face of God. Come, let us adore him! (@Pontifex: 30.12.2013) |
If we are to know the Lord, we must go to him. Listen to him in silence before the tabernacle and approach him in the Sacraments. (@Pontifex: 21.10.2013) |
Apostolic letter MANE NOBISCUM DOMINE St pope John Paul II (10/07/2004) More >> |
Encyclical letter ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA of St pope John Paul II ( 04/17/2003) More >> |
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Thank you for the joy with which you have offered your lives. Thank you for all the times you welcomed those who have fallen, caring for their wounds and showing tenderness and compassion. #ToMyBrotherPriests (@Pontifex: 04.08.2019) |
On the feast of the saintly Curé
d'Ars, I write to all of you who, carrying out your mission in service
to God and His people, write the most beautiful pages of priestly life.
(@Pontifex: 04.08.2019) http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/letters/2019/documents/papa-francesco_20190804_lettera-presbiteri.html |
Pray for all Priests and for my Petrine Ministry, that every pastoral action may be sealed with the love that Christ has for every person. #SanctificationOfPriests (@Pontifex: 28.06.2019) |
Don Bosco had the courage to look at reality with human eyes and with the eyes of God. May every priest imitate him by seeing reality with human eyes and with the eyes of God. #SantaMarta (@Pontifex: 31.01.2019) |
Support your priests with friendship and affection. (@Pontifex: 04.08.2018) |
Through the sacraments: the Lord who always “comes” – »ἐρχόμενος« /erchómenos/ – in person, always. ( "Holy Chrism Mass" Homily - Holy Thursday: 29.03.2018) [Mere] |
The joy of the Gospel contains three graces: Truth, mercy and joy ( "Holy Chrism Mass" Homily - Holy Thursday: 13.04.2017) [Mere] |
Today the Lord repeats to all pastors: follow me despite the difficulties, follow me by proclaiming the Gospel to all. (@Pontifex: 29.06.2016) |
"Den Gode Hyrdes hjerte og vore egne hjerter som præster" ( Jubilæum for præster - Prædiken af Pave Frans 03.06.2016) [Mere] |
Our priestly life is given over in service, in closeness to the People of God, with the joy of those who hear the Lord. (@Pontifex: 03.06.2016) |
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy 2016: Retreat for Priests - Third Meditation (Basilica af San Paolo fuori le Mura 02.06.2016) [Mere] |
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy 2016: Retreat for Priests - Second Meditation (Basilika Santa Maria Maggiore 02.06.2016) [Mere] |
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy 2016: Retreat for Priests - First Meditation ( Laterankirken 02.06.2016) [Mere] |
The weariness of the priest ( "Holy Chrism Mass" Homily - Holy Thursday: 02.04.2015) [Mere] |
Anointed with the oil of gladness so as to anoint others with the oil of gladness. ( "Holy Chrism Mass" Homily - Holy Thursday: 17.04.2014) [Mere] |
Ordinationens sakramente (Katekesen 26.03.2014 // Youcat nr. 249-259) [Mere] |
Let us pray for seminarians, that they may listen to the voice of the Lord and follow it with courage and joy. (@Pontifex: 13.02.2014) |
Let us pray for all good and faithful priests who dedicate themselves to their people with generosity and unknown sacrifices. (@Pontifex: 10.02.2014) |
What a priest should be. ( Homily of the morning mass in Casa Sancta Marta: 11.01.2014) [Mere] |
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In our daily relationship with Jesus, and in the strength of His forgiveness, we rediscover our roots. (@Pontifex: 30.08.2019) |
Only when we experience God's forgiveness are we truly reborn. We start again from there, from forgiveness. It is there that we rediscover ourselves: in confessing our sins. (@Pontifex: 13.08.2019) |
The way of Jesus, which leads to peace, passes through forgiveness, for one evil never corrects another evil and no resentment is ever good for the heart. (@Pontifex: 07.08.2019) |
The Lord invites all of us to conquer resentment with love and forgiveness, and to live the Christian faith with consistency and courage. (@Pontifex: 05.08.2019) |
None of us can survive without mercy. We all have need for forgiveness. (@Pontifex: 24.11.2018) |
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we find our way back to the Lord, and rediscover the meaning of life. (@Pontifex: 09.03.2018) |
When we confess our sins with humility and sincerity, we receive forgiveness and are reunited with God and our brothers and sisters. (@Pontifex: 14.02.2018) |
We pray to God for the courage to ask forgiveness and to learn how to listen to what he is saying to us. (@Pontifex: 16.01.2018) |
There is also hope for those who have done wrong. Jesus came for this: it is possible to be reconciled with God and begin a new life. (@Pontifex: 24.11.2017) |
Forgiveness sets our hearts free and allows us to start anew. Forgiveness gives hope. Without forgiveness, the Church is not built up. (@Pontifex: 07.08.2017) |
Lent is a period of repentance aimed at enabling ourselves to rise with Christ, to renew our baptismal identity. (@Pontifex: 07.04.2017) |
To be forgiven and to forgive others: prayer, repentance and shame. (Homily of the morning mass in Casa Sancta Marta :21.03.2017) [Mere] |
Nothing of what a repentant sinner places before God’s mercy can be excluded from the embrace of his forgiveness. (@Pontifex: 19.12.2016) |
Forgiveness is the most visible sign of the Father’s love, which Jesus sought to reveal by his entire life. (@Pontifex: 16.12.2016) |
God never tires of offering His forgiveness each time we ask for it. (@Pontifex: 23.09.2016) |
In Confession we encounter the merciful embrace of the Father. His love always forgives. (@Pontifex: 12.08.2016) |
God’s forgiveness knows no limits...God looks at the heart that seeks forgiveness. (@Pontifex: 04.08.2016) |
Impress, Lord, in our hearts the sentiments of faith, hope, love and sorrow for our sins. (@Pontifex: 25.03.2016) |
With how much love Jesus looks at us! With how much love He heals our sinful heart! Our sins never scare Him. (@Pontifex: 23.03.2016) |
As we exit the confessional, we will feel his strength which gives new life and restores ardor to the faith. After confession we are reborn. (@Pontifex: 16.03.2016) |
The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows us to draw near to the Father with trust to have the certainty of his forgiveness. (@Pontifex: 14.03.2016) |
We are all sinners. Let us be transformed by God’s mercy. (@Pontifex: 08.08.2015) |
In Confession, Jesus welcomes us with all our sinfulness, to give us a new heart, capable of loving as he loves. (@Pontifex: 25.06.2015) |
God is always waiting for us, he always understands us, he always forgives us. (@Pontifex: 19.05.2015) |
Why is it so difficult to tolerate the faults of others? Have we forgotten that Jesus bore our sins? (@Pontifex: 12.05.2015) |
The Lord never tires of forgiving us. It is we who get tired of asking for pardon. (@Pontifex: 14.04.2015) |
Lord, give us the gift of tears, the ability to cry for our sins and so receive your forgiveness. (@Pontifex: 09.04.2015) |
The Cross of Christ is not a defeat: the Cross is love and mercy. (@Pontifex: 03.04.2015) |
Confession is the sacrament of the tenderness of God, his way of embracing us. (@Pontifex: 31.03.2015) |
There is no sin that God cannot pardon. All we need to do is ask for forgiveness. (@Pontifex: 21.02.2015) |
Jesus understands our weaknesses and sins; and he forgives us if we allow ourselves to be forgiven. (@Pontifex: 25.09.2014) |
Why boast about sins ( Homily of the morning mass in Casa Sancta Marta: 04.09.2014) [Mere] |
The Lord always forgives us and walks at our side. We have to let him do that. (@Pontifex: 30.08.2014) |
Holy Week is a good occasion to go to confession and to take up the right path again. (@Pontifex: 14.04.2014) |
Confession is a Sacrament to heal my soul. (Katekes 19.02.2014 // Youcat nr. 224-239) [Mere] |
Don’t be afraid to go to the Sacrament of Confession, where you will meet Jesus who forgives you. (@Pontifex: 13.12.2013) |
The Sacraments are Jesus Christ’s presence in us. So it is important for us to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion. (@Pontifex: 23.11.2013) |
Jeg tror på syndernes forladelse (Katekes 20.11.2013 // Youcat nr. 194-200; 226-237) [Mere] |
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We pray for the sick who are abandoned and left to die. A society is human if it protects life, every life, from its beginning to its natural end, without choosing who is worthy to live or who is not. Doctors should serve life, not take it away. (@Pontifex: 10.07.2019) |
A generous attitude towards the sick is salt of the earth and light of the world. May Our Lady of Lourdes help us to practice it, and obtain peace and comfort for all those who suffer. http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/sick/documents/papa-francesco_20181125_giornata-malato.html (@Pontifex: 11.02.2019) |
"To serve human life is to serve God and life at every stage: from the womb of the mother, to the suffering and sickness of old age. (@Pontifex: 11.02.2018) |
"May the sick always be shown love in their fragility and respected in their inviolable dignity. (@Pontifex: 11.02.2018) |
"Hvor meget kærlighed kan meget vel ikke rulle ned af en hjerte blot for et smil! Smileterapi." ( Helligt År 2016: Jubilæum for syke og funksjonshemmede - Prædiken af Pave Frans 12.06.2016) [Mere] |
Dear sick people, entrust yourselves to the Spirit who will not fail you with the consoling light of his presence. (@Pontifex: 12.06.2016) |
The one who helps the sick and needy touches the flesh of Christ, alive and present in our midst. (@Pontifex: 23.07.2015) |
Nærheden af Jesus for de syge og lidende. (Katekes : 26.02.2014 // Youcat nr. 240-247) [Mere] |
To all who are sick, do not lose hope, especially when your suffering is at its worst. Christ is near you. (@Pontifex: 17.02.2014) |
I greet all those who are sick and suffering. Christ Crucified is with you; cling to him! (@Pontifex: 11.02.2014) |
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May the Holy
Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can
rediscover the gift of God’s word |
May the Holy Spirit help us to be patient
when enduring, and to be humble and simple when advising. |
Let us invoke the Holy Spirit each day: He
guides us along the path of discipleship in Christ. |
Lord, send forth your Holy Spirit to bring
consolation and strength to persecuted Christians. |
I sakramenterne
opdager vi styrken til at tænke og handle i overensstemmelse med
evangeliet. |
In the prayer: the gift of the Holy Spirit (Homily of the morning Mass: 09.10.2014) [Mere] |
Karismer i Kirken. ( Katekes: 01.10.2014 // Youcat n. 113) [Mere] |
The Christian must be inspired by the Holy Spirit. (Homily of the morning Mass: 02.09.2014) [Mere] |
May we not resist the Holy Spirit but allow
him to work in our lives, so that he can renew us, the Church and the
world. |
Let us ask
the Holy Spirit for the grace to live daily according to the mind of
Jesus and his Gospel. |
Hope is work of the Holy Spirit (Homily of the morning Mass: 29.10.2013) [Mere] |
"Jeg tror på Gud": mangfoldigheden af Hellige Åndes gaver (Katekes 09.10.2013 // Youcat nr. 122; 133-134; 343) [Mere] |
"Jeg tror på Gud": Kirken er hellig, Hellighed gennem Helligånden (Katekes 02.10.2013 // Youcat nr. 132; 342) [Mere] |
"Jeg tror på Gud": "Jeg tror på Gud": Kirken er én, enhed gennem Helligånden (Katekes 25.09.2013// Youcat nr. 119; 129; 131; 133) [Mere] |
"Jeg tror på Gud": Kirken er Helligåndens Tempel (Katekesen 26.06.2013// Youcat nr. 128) [Mere] |
" Og én, hellig, katolsk og apostolisk Kirke." (Katekes 22.05.2013 // Youcat nr. 119; 128-129; 132-133; 137) [Mere] |
Og på Helligånden, Herren og levendegøreren (Katekes 08.05.2013 // Youcat nr. 113-116; 310-311) [Mere] |
The Holy Spirit transforms and
renews us, creates harmony and unity, and gives us courage and joy for
& Homily )
Examination of our conscience: Are our lives truly filled with
the presence of God? How many things take the place of God in
my life
each day? |
Holy Spirit, make my
heart be open to the Word of God, that my heart be open to good, that my
heart be open to the
beauty of God everyday. |
What is then the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the life of the Church to lead us to the truth? (Catechesis: 15.05.2013 // Youcat n. 117-120) [Mere] |
"the Holy Spirit is God, but God active in us, who helps us remember, The Holy Spirit awakens our memory." (Homily of the morning mass in Casa Sancta Marta: 13.05.2013) [Mere] |
The Holy Spirit helps us to view others with fresh eyes, seeing them always as brothers and sisters in Jesus, to be respected and loved. (@Pontifex: 10.05.2013) |
The Holy Spirit brings to our hearts a most precious gift: profound trust in God’s love and mercy. (@Pontifex: 09.05.2013) |
The importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives: without this presence, our Christian lives cannot be understood. (Homily of the morning mass in Casa Sancta Marta: 06.05.2013) [Mere] |
Også i bøn kommer Helligånden os til hjælp i vor skrøbelighed. (Katekes: 16.05.2012 // Youcat nr. 120) [Mere] |