Letter to the Galatians |
News |
Catecheses of Pope Francis |
Audience |
Youcat |
1. Introduction to the Letter to the
Galatians |
06/23/2021 |
16 |
The path indicated by Saint Paul in his Letter to the Galatians is
the path of meek and obedient trust, in the certainty that the Holy
Spirit works in the Church in every age. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
2. Paul, the true apostle |
06/30/2021 |
12-13 |
3. There is just one Gospel |
08/04/2021 |
18 |
The Gospel is the Good News
and the force that changes our lives and hearts for the better. For
this I ask you to read the Gospel every day and meditate on a short
passage to be nourished from this inexhaustible source of salvation.
#GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
4. The Mosaic Law and the newness of the
Christian life enlivened by the Holy Spirit |
08/11/2021 |
335-336 |
The external law cannot bring
life because it does not change the heart. The radical newness of
the Christian life is life according to the Holy Spirit who frees us
from the law and at the same time brings it to fulfilment in the
commandment of love. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
5. The Law served a “pedagogical” function |
08/18/2021 |
336 |
It is good for us to ask
ourselves if we still live in the period in which we need the Law
(cfr Gal 3:23-25), or if instead we are fully aware of having
received the grace of becoming children of God so as to live in
love. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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6. The dangers of the Law |
08/25/2021 |
336 |
Let us ask the Lord to help us
be consistent and to courageously combat anything that can lead us
away from the truth and from the faith we profess. Only thus can we
truly build unity and fraternity. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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7. Foolish Galatians |
09/01/2021 |
310 |
Saint Paul invites us too to
reflect on how we live faith. Does the love of Christ, crucified and
risen, remain at the centre of our life as the wellspring of
salvation, or are we content with a few religious formalities to
salve our consciences? #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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8. We are children of God |
09/08/2021 |
200 |
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9. Life of faith |
09/29/2021 |
337-339 |
The response of faith demands
that we be active in our love for God and in our love of neighbour.
#GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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10. Christ has set us free |
10/06/2021 |
340 |
Freedom makes free to the
extent to which it transforms a person’s life and directs it toward
the good. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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11. Christian freedom, universal leaven of
liberation |
10/13/2021 |
340 |
The Lord has liberated us from
slavery freely, and set us on the path to walk in the fullness of
freedom. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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12. Freedom is realised in love |
10/20/2021 |
340 |
True freedom - freedom in
Christ - does not seek personal interests, but is guided by love and
is expressed in service to others, especially to the poor. Love
makes us free, it leads us to choose and to do good, it motivates us
to serve. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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13. The fruit of the Spirit |
10/27/2021 |
100-105 |
The Spirit which flows forth
from Jesus’ Passover is the origin of the spiritual life. He changes
hearts: not our works, but the action of the Holy Spirit in us!
#GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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14. Walking according to the Spirit |
11/03/2021 |
120; 205 |
Love is the supreme rule for
following the path of Christ, it makes us aware of our weakness, and
merciful and in solidarity with the difficulties and weaknesses of
others. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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15. Let us not grow weary |
11/10/2021 |
120; 205 |
"Faith in Christ in your heart
is like Christ in the boat" (Saint Augustine). We wake Christ up in
our hearts and then we can contemplate things with his vision
because He sees beyond the storm. #GeneralAudience |
@Pontifex |
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