Year of prayer
Year of Prayer
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
MAY 2024
 Novena to the Holy Spirit
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“Here are my mother and my brothers!” (Mt 12:49)
34th Mladifest Medjugorje
--> Livestream & podcasts
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Saint Joseph
Model for fathers
--> Prayer
--> Novena to Saint Joseph
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39)
--> WYD Lisbon 2023
--> Videos
--> WYD 2023-  Podcasts
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
TAIZE 2024
--> News for 2024 Faith and
New Evangelization
MP ƟY  ICHTHYS                          NEWS


The Beatitudes The Acts of the Apostles The Lord’s Prayer
“Our Father”
Letter to the Galatians

The Ten Commandments

Catecheses of Pope Francis
The Holy Mass

Catecheses of Pope Francis
School of Prayer
Catecheses of Pope Benedict XVI

Daily prayer online
--> Prayer online

-->Daily Gospel

World Youth Days

WYD Kraków 2016
Christian hope

Catecheses of
Pope Francis

Apost. exhortation of
Pope Francis

Evangelii gaudium
The divine Mercy

Apostolic letter of
Pope Francis

Misericordia et misera

The family
Year of families
and more

Video message 2021

Theology of the body
-->Catecheses of
St John Paul II

Women in Church
- > Mary, Theotokos,
Mother of Church

- > The great women in the Church
- > St Mary Magdalene
> Decree
> Article
Apostolic Exhortation
Laudate Deum

Encyclical letter

Laudato Si'
Praise be to you,
my Lord

Message for the Care of Creation 2022

---> Official website Laudato Si
Family Amoris Laetitia

--> Official website

--> The family

--> #WMOF22

--> Motu proprio
Fides per Doctrinam

Homily of Pope Francis
--> Jubilee 2016
„Admirabile signum“

The meaning and importance of the nativity scene

New Evangelization Encyclical letter of
Pope Francis

Lumen Fidei  
--> Motu proprio
Ubicumque et Semper

--> Liturgical texts

--> Message 10/26/2012

58 Propositions

"The light of faith illumines all our relationships and helps us to live them in union with the love of Christ, to live them like Christ."

(@Pontifex: 08/05/2013)
--> Catecheses of the Holy Father & YOUCAT

--> Other languages
Encyclical letter of
Pope Benedict XVI
Evangelium Vitae Apost. exhortation of
Saint Pope Paul VI
Caritas in Veritate
Encyclical letter of
St John Paul II

--> Homily of Pope Francis

Evangelization of the world of today
True power is service.
The pope must serve all people, especially the poor, the weak, the vulnerable. (@Pontifex: 03/19/2013)



Children & Rosary
Pope & the Youth
Notre Dame de France
Our Lady of FatimaOur Lady of all Nations
Impressum Contact Logo Twitter News Mobile
Preparation to
Confirmation, Marriage
The 7 Sacraments 
to the Holy Spirit
Pope Francis on Instagram


The Holy Spirit
 Breath of God
-> 7 gifts 
-> 7 sacraments

Call to holiness
- > Apostolic exhort. of Pope Francis
- > Catecheses of the popes

The Church
About the Church  

Apostolic Letter on the Liturgy
„Desiderio desideravi“

Encyclical letter
Fratelli Tutti

Carlo Acutis
Saint Patron of the Internet
--> Beatification in Assisi
--> His own website
The eucharistic miracles
of the world
-> Video
Blessed Carlo Acutis

Apost. exhortation
"It is the Confidence", Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
   Message of Peace 2024


"The progress of science and technology as a path to peace

Nor can we fail to consider, in this context, the impact of new technologies on the workplace. Jobs that were once the sole domain of human labour are rapidly being taken over by industrial applications of artificial intelligence. Here too, there is the substantial risk of disproportionate benefit for the few at the price of the impoverishment of many.

Respect for the dignity of labourers and the importance of employment for the economic well-being of individuals, families, and societies, for job security and just wages, ought to be a high priority for the international community as these forms of technology penetrate more deeply into our workplaces.

           → Full text